The militia: Its spirit has reached the throat,,, and it is not able to occupy a village, much less Sinnar Al-Samoud… ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ Seven militia cars ((arrivals)) escaping certain death from militia atrocities after being carefully targeted by our armed forces in Jabal Muwayya, only to find themselves at the entrance to Sennar, besieged from all sides. ..

++A situation in which she had no choice but recklessness, stupidity and madness as she entered the city of Sennar, which was steadfast and defiant, aiming bullets and mortar launchers without desired goal…

++ It is madness when you lose control of your feelings, your mind and your thoughts, and you see death looking at you from all sides, which was the order of those wretches who were thrown by fate in a waking city. , aware and ready, knowing the greatness of his destiny, that he is the key to the liberation of the island, where it all began…

++ No more than a quarter of an hour had passed before all seven cars burst into flames after a thrilling chase that lasted less than a quarter of an hour, ending with them in the most horrible fate , God willing, in this world and in the hereafter, thereafter…

++ Their escape into Sennar ruffled the feathers of treachery, lust, toil, impurity and mercenary labor, which had passed barely five minutes since they entered Sennar to escape, but they spread among the people the rumor of his fall at the hands of Janjaweed gangs…

++ We never tire of repeating that the Janjaweed terrorists have transformed themselves from an organized militia into bands of plunder and chaos incapable of occupying a small village, much less occupying a city as deep, fierce and solid as Sinnar…

++ The dream of the militias has been eclipsed, from the hope of ruling the entire country with a corrupt, tyrannical and oppressive authority to the criminal gangs who sneak into certain vital sites, stealthily, like any prudent and cowardly thief , who takes a photo. inside and then sends it to the (media) drought rooms who rush to broadcast it to incite sedition, spread frustration and prove it because of the presence of the criminal militia, who God knows , no longer has much weight. or the size…

++ There is an imperative duty for every good citizen to promptly denounce treacherous agents who betray their local communities and their great homeland. The fools ((God honor the listeners)) are no longer ashamed of their absolute support of the militia. its political incubator…

++ O people, Sinnar is a country that has not been desecrated by the feet of the oppressors and has not been invaded by the hedgehogs of the fifth column like many other regions of Sudan. Therefore, this criminal and rebel militia will not be able to do so. to invade and seize it as long as the heavens and the earth exist…

++Anyone who doubts this must look back and contemplate the terrible scene and its great figures embracing the armed forces in a manifestation that delighted the universe and enriched time…

++ Watch the clips of the majestic exit of the people of Sennar yesterday, following the victory of our valiant forces. You will realize how difficult it was for this majestic city to fall…

++ (He said) I fell (He said) 000

++ Our army, O ((Machine)) 000

++Be careful, Jinn…

++ Resistance, O ((Nashama))…

Omar Capo

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