The importance of applying comprehensive quality concepts and ISO 9000 standards for international marketing of Sudanese exports ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Specifications of international standards lay the foundation for global compliance, as companies that wish to compete in global markets must make their operations and products conform to the specifications of applicable standards. Standards for measuring quality have emerged globally as the ISO 9000 series of specifications. The series emphasizes processes and formal requirements. Working to direct and guide workers, it can also be used to judge the extent of companies' commitment to required specifications. In addition to the great interest in modern management style, the world. has witnessed the development of international specifications to ensure the highest levels of conformance to the required specifications are achieved for the customer, which has unified national specifications in all countries of the world to arrive at one specification. A unified global certificate for quality assurance called the. ISO 9000 series of international standards. These specifications have become an important and fundamental condition in international trade operations and a necessity for the conclusion of commercial contracts between organizations of all countries of the world.

(1) Definition and origin of the ISO 9000 standard:

((ISO 9000 is a series of written specifications published by the International Organization for Standardization in 1987. These specifications define and describe the main elements to be provided in the quality management system which must be designed and adopted by the management of organization to ensure that its products (goods or services) meet – or exceed – customers' needs, wants or expectations).

(The word ISO is formed from the first three letters of the words International Organization for Standardization) and its translation is International Organization for Standardization. It is an organization that aims to raise the levels of standards and establish related standards, foundations, tests and certificates. In order to encourage trade in goods and services globally, this organization includes representatives from most countries in the world. When there are standard specifications for a process, the process is expected to produce similar or different units of the product, this is called ISO product or ISO units. The important thing is that ISO depends on the quality system. as it is actually applied and not as it is written).

(2) The origins of the ISO 9000 standard:

The ISO 9000 international standard specifications are derived from military standards, NATO standards and British standards BS5750, published by the British Institute for Standardization in 1979.

Due to the need to publish international normative specifications for quality systems, a committee convened within the International Organization for Standardization and specifications were chosen to serve as the basis for the development of the international standard specifications ISO 9000, published in 1987.

We see that the specifications of the international standard ISO 9000 have been published to unify what the quality system should be, so there are international organizations that examine quality systems in companies.

If it complies with the requirements of the ISO 9000 series specifications, it will receive a certificate to this effect. This certificate confirms the quality and is considered an explicit declaration thereof.

(3) Reasons for implementing a quality system compliant with ISO standards: in particular:

a. The main reason is that it is a fundamental condition for dealing with the European Common Market.

B. Consumer expectations for the existence of this system are increasing. Due to the increasing number of registered organizations, their requirements for the need to register both suppliers and subcontracting companies have increased.

C. It has become a necessary condition for many organizations to ensure their market share increases.

Dr.. Some internal benefits can be achieved through the development and implementation of documented quality systems that exceed external pressures.

(4) The relationship between total quality management and the specifications of the international standard ISO 9000:

(Total quality management is an introduction to comprehensive and continuous development that includes all stages of performance and is a joint responsibility of senior management, departments, departments, work teams and individuals in an effort to satisfy customer needs and expectations As for ISO 9000, it is a specific specification that has an agreed unified meaning in any language and from any perspective, making it easier to assess the degree. compatibility with it at the global level).

The ISO9000 series of international specifications is a set of specifications that lead to setting the requirements for quality management systems in organizations. It is a global passport that facilitates trade between countries around the world and the management of the marketing of their products. from organization and its management to product quality and improvement, while being an effective way to achieve increased profits and reduced errors.

Therefore, a set of international standards is the first step towards total quality management. As the organization follows the series of primary standards as a quality system, it will achieve the overall quality goals as it is an ideal state that industrial organizations seek to achieve.

Organizations wishing to achieve total quality management based on ISO requirements should rely on ISO requirements from the beginning and try to adapt the system requirements to meet the requirements of total quality management by evolving towards continuous improvement of product quality and developing production and manufacturing processes. The ISO9000 management system provides a framework and mechanism for introducing changes around the foundations of Planned through internal audit and corrective action programs.

Thus, it is necessary to define quality improvement as well as the tools and methods to evaluate and measure it through a systematic definition of quality improvement policy and the choice of appropriate methods to determine the extent of the improvement. Then, the ISO9000 standard will be developed within the framework of overall quality. Therefore, relevant parties in Sudan should start today before tomorrow to apply the concepts of comprehensive quality and diligent pursuit by obtaining ISO 9000 standard for all Sudanese products destined for international markets instead of exporting them at low prices to other countries. be re-exported to global markets at lower prices, leading to a waste of wealth and hard currency monetary resources, while the Sudanese people suffer from hunger, poverty and deprivation.

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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