Will the locality of Shendi restructure its administration to deal with situations of pressure and growth?!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

The administrative structure of localities may be linked to a general law issued by the Office of the Federal Government or governed by a state order depending on the nature of each state or the differences between each state.

The executive director of the locality of Shindi, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, may have thought a thousand times about the necessary adjustments imposed by the reality in which the locality of Shindi experiences a particular situation after the war. One might wonder if the state of war. is a temporary situation or if the situation of the locality which resulted after the war is temporary and will disappear with the disappearance of the influencer, which is the war.

But Shendi, by its nature, is a city in continual development, and the state of growth is evident to those who have been away from it for some time and returned before the war.

Shendi lacks a lot of infrastructure, or the existing infrastructure was adapted to its old situation before the growth state, which was organized in all facilities, and national institutions such as the Third Division and Shendi University are are developed, and the different police services and city services and the different administrative units, the Court, the Court of Appeal and the diversified public prosecutor's offices.

The locality of Shendi remained confined to its old offices, departments and sections, without any accompanying expansion, and it continued to face this great expansion of the locality with this limited administrative structure, which had not changed , which put pressure on its workers, especially after the war, and working in a locality in Shendi is work independent of the state. The number of submarkets has increased and new markets have emerged, such as corn market, Al-Obour market, Al-Qulaya market, automobile showrooms, spare parts stores, fabrics, ready-to-wear clothing, shoes, electrical appliances and consumer goods.

The number of private and public cars increased, transport stops became crowded, and the number of clinics, dispensaries, pharmacies, and medical laboratories increased.

Many factories have moved to Shendi.

This situation forces the local government to restructure it, create new specialized departments and transform departments into departments, to cope with all these pressures and conditions of constant growth.

One of the first of these specialized administrations is the creation of the General Administration of Sanitation, which must be a complete and specialized administration and equipped with human staff and technical equipment, because there is great pressure on the sanitation in its old and small capacity network to accommodate this large number of medical institutions and multi-purpose commercial stores and the high pressure placed on them by hospitals, educational establishments and other services, which exert a high pressure on sanitation services. This requires the establishment of a general sanitation administration with a sufficient number of medical facilities. Otherwise, the cases of overflow that have started to appear in some localities will increase and become a health risk, especially given the large number of local citizens and expatriates.

Among the public administrations that should be established in the locality of Shendi is the General Administration of Transportation and Communications or the General Administration of Transportation, Communications and Oil, which is responsible for organizing transportation stops in large and submarkets and parking lots that were created in new locations due to market tightness. Even the locality itself is surrounded by transport stops on its southern and eastern sides. One of the tasks of the Department of Transport and Communications is to organize the entry and exit of private and public vehicles. vehicles to the city center and the Grand Market, and one of the tasks of this administration is to organize transportation routes, especially since the transportation movement from North Shendi and South Shendi and from the locality of Matama is intensifying. the movement of transport in city squares. Strong pressure on small and narrow spaces in the city center.

One of the tasks of the Department of Transport is to organize indoor parking of markets, hospitals and medical institutions for private cars, which constitute a major obstacle to traffic.

Among the new departments that want to be created is the General Administration for Market Regulation, which has spread to different places in the city and outside the city and in different specializations, stores have grouped together and the distances between these markets have become closer. such as the central vegetable market, central fruit market, onion market, bread market, mills, outpatient clinic sites, dispensaries and others, in addition to industrial zone markets, car showrooms and stores which have multiplied. the main roads that lead to the market and the shops that have spread into the neighborhoods near the market.

One of the departments that should be is the General Administration of Roads and Bridges, which takes care of the construction of internal roads to connect all the new districts of the city, the emerging squares, the factories, the industrial zone and livestock markets, and does not want to be tied to roads and bridges, in addition to rehabilitating old roads and reopening new trails within old sites.

Among the departments that should be established in the General Administration of Buildings and Facilities is the one that specializes in new buildings and the inspection of old ones for the sake of public safety, especially those intended for commercial exploitation, such as clinics, private schools and others.

One of the departments that would like to be elevated to a general administration is the General Administration of Standards, Standards and Quality, which deals with food, industrial and medical product safety and consumer protection .

I believe that the creation of these departments from a structural and organizational point of view is easy because the locality has a group of local and expatriate administrative officers who have rich experience and have the capacity to create these departments and make it a living reality.

Will Shendi rush to implement it, or will it stay that way until God decrees something that was already in effect?!!

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