World Anti-Drug Day…. Director of Al Baraka Insurance Company, Sinja Branch: Fighting drugs is the responsibility of the family and society

Director of Al Baraka Insurance Company, Sinja Branch, Abdul Qadir Ahmed Mukhtar, described drugs as destructive and said that they destroy the minds of young people, adding that they are a joint responsibility. However, Abdul Qadir stressed that the solution begins with common responsibility. family and ends there, since the family is the guardian and is the one who notices and is the first to recognize the son or daughter where and what he does.

Abdul Qader emphasized that drugs have unfortunately become a threat to our society.

Mukhtar added: This does not mean that we turn a blind eye to the rest of society when it comes to joint and several liability. The family is the foundation, followed by society, and all sectors are expected to participate in solving the problem. We are not waiting for the laws because they are. the law does not mean everything. We must: observe, intervene, introspect, resolve, and finally we arrive at the legal stage.

The director of the Al Baraka company revealed the methods used by young people to hide the effects of drug abuse and not leave evidence for which the law will hold them accountable.

He called on all segments of society to join forces to fight against

It is a devastating phenomenon.

Abdul Qader demanded that the street implement a “no to drugs” in practice, and not to traditional and electronic use such as electronic shisha, which is a surveillance system unfortunately in the hands of some students. He concluded by saying: “I wish we did. everyone would stand together, join forces as sectors of society and say no to drugs.

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