Betrayal of the homeland and fall of masks ✍️ Dr Al-Nazir Abu Sil

O you who believe, do not betray Allah and the Messenger and do not betray your trust while you know.

“If the hypocrites and the sick in heart and those who tremble in Medina do not cease, We will certainly tempt you with them, and then they will be your neighbors only for a little while. » (Al-Ahzab: 60)

Secrets were revealed, curtains fell and walls crumbled… People had nothing left to beautify themselves, and you walked away from the illusions of your soul and saw the truth… The freedom and change have coordinated progress and Sudanese parties and neutrals who have been proven to be sympathetic to the Janjaweed and the international conspiracy whose threads are unfolding day by day. First of all, we apologize to you all. Your positions are such that things have become what they are today. there is no neutrality or excuse for you, and the door of repentance is always open, and do not be like she who untied her threads after the strength of Ankatha, taking an oath as income… The revolution has come , and you joined in his game and brandished his slogans. The absolute cannot be killed by killing the silence of death… “Oh you, oh your country… prepare Adeel Kafanak, “……A million martyrs for a new homeland, and you. You betrayed the revolution and its slogan, and today you are on the wrong side of history. You stand with those who kill, pillage, destroy your country and displace your people, as if you dare not do so. to condemn their crimes and justify their brutal and barbaric actions to antagonize the army that thwarted the coup and thwarted it. By kidnapping the state and antagonizing the people who support their army and their country, and you imagine that you are leading the people by. oppression, with the rifles of the terrorists, on the backs of their tanks and on the skulls of the Sudanese, you use the scarecrow of the people and the Brotherhood, and you know that these are fragile and worthless arguments. in the city, and you are hypocrites who claim honor and patriotism and pretend that you are in the interest of the people. You have lied and hidden your efforts, and whatever means you have taken to manipulate and deceive public opinion, you are misleading them. world opinion, distort the image of the army, minimize the scale of its victories, polish the image of your ally and exaggerate the scale of its victories, you will not succeed. The Sudanese nation, with its great army, will prevail and succeed. overcome, whatever the challenges, no matter how many nations fight them and how traitors and enemies attack them. You have no place among us, and history will not be merciful to you, and with God you will encounter adversaries. If you have no religion and do not fear the Day of Resurrection, then be free in your world as you claim, or be neutral as you claim… In every nation facing challenges, traitors and the agents appear as tools of the colonizer to push through his program and achieve his objectives in the name of his personal ambitions. Remember traitors like you in history, Abu Raghal and Ibn Al-Alqami will remember you. for treason, and people will stone your graves as they stoned them.

International legal advisor and human rights activist Dr. Al-Nadhir Abu Sil

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