Post-war series (1)… Khartoum is a national capital, Wad Madani is a cultural capital, and El Geneina is the capital of Sudanese dignity ✍️ Khaled Haj Ali Aroub


With reference to the title above, it was necessary to delve deeper into what happened after the “War of Dignity” operation and its secretions, and according to the movement of history, the connection between the past and the present , and the rumination of different eras in view of everything mentioned above, I had to look at the post-war scene in the different subjects and different frameworks concerned with political, cultural and artistic and societal affairs global, I place these proposals in the niche. of sovereignty and governance, starting with the title above.

♦️Khartoum, the national capital of Sudan:

Khartoum remains the Sudanese national capital due to its geostrategic location, located between the Blue Nile and the White Nile, and as it is the meeting place of these two sacred rivers, it is endowed with the Sudanese national form and best reflects the face of Sudan, both sovereignly and socially, due to its sovereign heritage and historical movement anchored in different national frameworks, and it also earned its share in the infrastructure and architecture that these bastards tried to destroy, and we'll come back to that later. how to restore its revival and reconstruction through a commission called later, God willing (the Commission for the Elimination of the Effects of War and Reconstruction), and also, undoubtedly, all young people, with all their specializations, are ready to release their energies in building so that Omdurman and its heritage remain. This city endowed with the national movement, independence and tolerant Sudanese constants because of the eloquent impact they have on our souls, where the ancient history of the place and the epics of the struggle against the colonizers (a land of multitudes), as well as the beloved Bahri, the secret of lovers, the kiss of consciousness and beauty, the sanctuary of the two masters (Khojali and Hamad), and along Al-Maouna Street, the man meets man It's more about Sudan. At the same level, Khartoum must contain, as today, all government institutions, sovereign offices, ministries, the Republican Palace, the political cabinet of the government and all government entities with the exception of institutions specializing in culture. sports, art, journalism, media, radio, television, agriculture, irrigation and everything related…

♦️Waddani, the Sudanese capital of culture:

Due to the movement of history and the link between its past and present, Wad Madani remains the Sunni capital of culture and consciousness that brings everyone together (the land of adversity, it was this caring mother, a eternal national symbol). also the first capital of our country, whose capital was moved in 1924 to Khartoum. Due to the movement of history, Wad Madani played a major role in training various Sudanese cadres in various fields. great politicians, professors and artists, and provided Sudanese sports and national clubs with all the sporting legends. She played a role in the development of Sudanese song. She contributed to the development of the cultural and creative form of Sudan. who enjoys the spiritual beauty of his people, especially He owns the island project on an estimated area of ​​2,300 two million three hundred and produces wheat, cotton, cereals, lentils and beans. The surface area of ​​the project is twice that of the island. United Arab Emirates and more. According to what has been mentioned above, Wad Medani is proposed to be the cultural capital.

It should be led by the following institutions: the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Broadcasting Corporation, the Supreme Council of Press and Publications, the Sudan National Museum, the National Council for Literary and Artistic Works, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Resources, and all relevant institutions, otherwise it will be in Khartoum, as I mentioned earlier.

♦️ El Geneina (Dar Endoka), the Sudanese capital of dignity:

Looking at the title above, the reader's mind comes to mind with the epics of the Battle of Karamah, this massacre, even this crime, and this bloodshed which does not resemble our morals, but rather that which the Janjaweed thugs practiced on the defenseless people. of El Geneina in a heinous crime that contradicts human nature, Sudanese morality and all the treaties of the world wars that the (Arabs of the diaspora) practiced in a hateful, racist and hateful manner. have no cultural or material standards in the land of Sultan Bahr al-Din, nor any historical, cultural or even political or national credit. On the contrary, the inhabitants of El Geneina are not like the others. of the fight against the French colonizers as well as against the English, and they are a mountain of national stability. A reserve of dignity and redemption, and there is a big objective difference between them and these bastards, so the people of El Geneina remain the major distinguishing mark between them and the diaspora in terms of the material heritage they have , represented by the Sultan. Bahr al-Din Museum (Andoka), for the archaeological, spiritual and cultural objects it contains, in addition to the trip The struggle that spans thousands of years, the house of Andoka, this garden which is located at the foot of the mountain. , and its beautiful people who only talk about generosity, values, good morals, religion and glory (thank God) (God willing). And so their languages ​​speak of beauty and religion. They deserve to be raised with respect and appreciation, and. in accordance with all of the above, and for the History movement: El Geneina deserves to be the capital of Sudanese dignity.

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