The noise of weapons and the falsification of facts – the session is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I address a national salute to all the high mountains of the patriotic people of my country, who were not shaken or shaken by the destructive machine of the world war that invaded the homeland, which is why they remained steadfast in the embers of the cause so that there remains a country called Sudan on the world map.

It is known that this war began thanks to the weapons of treason and rebellion of the brutal support forces supported by the evil little state, the poisonous claw of Israel, which tears the bodies of the targeted countries as part of its program of destruction and dismemberment, to become an easily accessible prey, helpless and whose wealth and resources are plundered and divided into states, because it was destined for the homeland of the Sudanese continent with the erasure of its identity and the appearance of changes demographics in its territory.

The sound of rifles since the start of the battle, an option shamelessly brandished in case the framework agreement is not applied, has tipped the balance in favor of the army because it represents a safety valve which protects the territory and honor. and is supported by the Sudanese people.

This was therefore accompanied by a violent media attack, spent and lavished, as if there were no fear of poverty, which spread through the creation of newsrooms, fake websites and employment of satellite channels, which quickly spread rumors and were transmitted, which created an intensity of fire, not from the weapons on the battlefield, but by transferring this war to a battlefield. There is less ferocity and bone-breaking than military warfare, which is the domain of the media.

Unfortunately, even though we have spent more than a year unleashing this devastating war, we have not reached the stage of media support that conveys a sense of reassurance to the middle of the Sudanese national street that supports and sustains the battle of pride and dignity. Nefarious denials and rumors still circulate among us, as happened during the events in Sinnar, Hajar al-Asal and other areas of Sudan where the Sudanese battle for existence is taking place.

The media is today one of the deadly weapons used alongside battles on the ground. This is why we must focus strongly on them in order to rescue our society from the tuberculosis of fake news and the burden of truths. we live in a swamp and in the mud of misleading media, which manipulate us as they please.

Where are our media, which divide the ranks of events and are present in their midst, to come to us with chattering convoys, not only in the midst of the rebellion, but also for all its collaborators, masters abroad and from the agents of the interior, shameless people who constitute a political incubator and a protective shield for this rebellion?

The media, then the media, then the media, which have demands to keep up with the pace of events and put an end to the transmission of rumors and the falsification of facts that are currently occurring among us.

The Battle for Dignity, from its beginnings until today, we live in the Bermuda Triangle of rumors, misleading media and falsification of facts, which makes the morale thermometer unstable and in case of decline most time due to the great flow of rumors. and the speed of their transmission, which means that most people are victims of their treatment and even their transmission.

Therefore, now the battle is a battle of flags and pens, so it needs to be improved, as happened on the battlefield, and this is not difficult, because skills in this area are available with very high specializations and are ready to meet the needs of the nation. Patriotic activists active on social networks are at your disposal after having provided them with doses of facts. We know that not everything that is known is published in favor of military operations and troop movement tactics. on the fighting fronts

We will return through the next areas to the third and very important side, which is the economic file, in which, with hard and professional work through economic skills, the sides of the triangle will be completed and we will achieve security after the end of the war, God willing.

The media has now concluded that this was one of the main reasons for victory, as they supported a century-old march of terror.

We ask God for the victory of our people's armed forces, our regular services and the mujahideen in the battle for the homeland. May God accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, free the captives and return the missing to their families safe and sound. rings, O Lord of the worlds.

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