The nation is on the brink of famine: a humanitarian catastrophe that requires an urgent international response – Something for the nation – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Sudan is facing a catastrophic food crisis, the worst in its history, as the specter of famine threatens millions of Sudanese. According to the Integrated Food Security Classification report, more than half of Sudan's population, or 25.6 million people, suffer from severe food insecurity, while 755,000 people are at risk of famine.

This horrific deterioration in food security is due to a combination of conflict, insecurity, displacement and economic shocks. The war has disrupted markets and basic services, restricted the movement of people and hampered agricultural production, exacerbating an already existing food crisis. The massive displacement, which affected 10.1 million people inside Sudan and 2.2 million refugees in neighboring countries, has had far-reaching consequences. The pressure on the crisis is being exacerbated by a significant increase in food prices and inflation, making it difficult for families to buy food.

Severe food insecurity has a devastating impact on people's lives. Millions of Sudanese suffer from hunger and malnutrition, leading to treatable illnesses and child deaths. It also forces people to take desperate measures, such as selling their belongings, engaging in nefarious activities such as crime, prostitution, or migrating to neighboring countries, including Egypt.

The report presents a set of urgent recommendations to address this crisis, including ensuring safe and sustainable access to humanitarian assistance. All obstacles that prevent humanitarian assistance from reaching those in need must be removed and immediate humanitarian assistance must be provided, including the distribution of food, water, medicines and basic services, while addressing poor health conditions. Nutrition: Programmes to treat malnutrition, especially among children, and support livelihoods must be supported to resume agricultural production and secure their livelihoods.

Solving this crisis requires a massive and coordinated international effort. The international community must act swiftly and unconditionally to save millions of lives from starvation in Sudan. In addition to the recommendations mentioned in the report, I would like to stress the need for a lasting political solution as the only way to break the cycle of hunger and violence in Sudan, while holding those responsible to account for war crimes and crimes against humanity, impunity must not be allowed, in addition to activating the role of local organizations for their vital role in providing humanitarian aid and support to affected communities.

This is a humanitarian disaster that requires immediate attention and response from around the world. We cannot allow the country to starve. I urge the international community to put aside political differences and take decisive action to resolve the crisis in Sudan. Countries should provide financial and logistical assistance, pressure the RSF to reach a peaceful solution, and support efforts to bring to justice those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Together, we can save Sudan from this disaster and build a better future for the Sudanese people.

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