The Sudanese people do not negotiate with the invaders – it is not a secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

Our Sudanese armed forces are still fighting the battle for dignity against invading militias using foreign mercenaries from neighboring countries, Chad, Niger, Central Africa, Mali, Kenya and others.

The United Arab Emirates is the main backer and backer of Khalifa Haftar's forces in Libya.

It no longer has any other name today. Our armed forces fight mercenaries from approximately eight countries and more.

So there is no dialogue between the Sudanese people, the owners of the land, and the invaders. We are facing a grand plan in which the free and proud Sudanese people will be present or not, and there will be the young and always proud state of the Republic of Sudan, and there is the Sudanese Armed Forces, always valiant and proud, whose valor is attested by enemies before friends.

The plan is to move the Sudanese people into the unknown and replace them with Arabs from the diaspora of West African countries in exchange for the enormous wealth of Sudan hidden on its territory for the benefit of those who support the war. The United Arab Emirates is the main financier of the war. this war that was imposed on the Sudanese people. It is known that the Zionist United Arab Emirates, which is also implementing the plan of America, Israel, France and Britain, to appropriate the wealth of Sudan, from which they have not obtained independence. is 15%.

Until today, this plan will continue and we, the great people of Sudan, must rise to the challenge. Each of us bears arms to defend our land, our honor and our wealth, which are a gift from us. Almighty God. We must preserve them so that future Sudanese generations can benefit from these blessings.

What is needed now is caution and vigilance. The plan does not exclude anyone from all walks of life in Sudan, and we must support our armed forces, which have proven their strength and competence in all areas of combat.

We need to open training camps. We are being targeted and we must act according to the words of the noble verse.

(And prepare yourself against them with all the strength you are capable of)

This force is represented by numerous equipment and equipment, and we must all work to thwart this plan.

Unfortunately, there are among our people who betrayed the homeland and its honorable people and threw themselves into the arms of the workers. He doesn't know or pretends to know. Therefore, there is no negotiation with those who wanted to displace the Sudanese people. replace them with Arabs from the diaspora of West African countries.

The Sudanese have no choice but armed popular resistance in support of the Sudanese armed forces, because it is the protector of land and honor and the safety valve of Sudan.

The negotiation platform is sponsored by America, and we know America very well, it wants nothing but its interests on the skull of the free, proud and always proud people of Sudan…

May you be well, great people of Sudan.

Governor of the meeting…

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