Nile State declares relentless war on drugs: efforts intensified to eradicate a scourge that threatens society

Dr. Amal Ahmed Majzoub, Minister of Health of Nile State and Chairman of the State Narcotics Control Subcommittee, announced that the state is waging a hidden war against drug smuggling operations and their introduction into its territory, warning of the serious dangers this represents for society. , especially the Youngs.

In her speech on the occasion of World Anti-Drugs Day, the Minister stressed the need for concerted efforts by all government and societal agencies to combat this dangerous scourge and eliminate it once and for all, warning of the dangers of rebel militias targeting River Nile State with drugs, as part of its war against the state.

The Minister revealed that the Drug Control Subcommittee has implemented comprehensive and integrated programmes targeting all aspects of drug control, from awareness and prevention to monitoring and treatment, with the aim of eliminating this dangerous scourge once and for all and protecting society from its dangers.

For his part, General Salman Muhammad Al-Tayeb, Director of Nile State Police, highlighted the importance of the role of family, school and community in raising awareness about the dangers of drugs , calling on parents to closely monitor their children. and strengthen dialogue with them.

He also stressed that the Nile State Police are intensifying their efforts to combat drug trafficking and its traffickers, emphasizing that there will be no laxity in enforcing the law against anyone who seeks to corrupt the youth and destroy society.

In turn, Colonel Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, Director of the State Anti-Narcotics Police, said that Nile State is considered one of the states most vulnerable to the menace of drug trafficking. drug due to its geographical location adjacent to the border. , highlighting the exacerbation of the effects of war and civilian mines in the spread of this scourge.

He stressed the need for all parties to cooperate to combat this dangerous phenomenon, stressing that the celebration of World Anti-Drug Day comes as an affirmation of the serious commitment to eliminate this scourge that threatens the lives of individuals and communities.

The event was attended by a number of ministers of the state government, Security Committee, members of the Narcotics Control Subcommittee, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Narcotics Control Department narcotics of the state, a number of executive and judicial leaders and the media.

In conclusion, Nile State affirms its determination to move forward in its war against drugs, calling on all members of society to cooperate and participate in these national efforts aimed at protecting our youth and our future from the danger of this devastating scourge. .

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