What is it, Minister of the Interior? – The edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 Major General (M) Khalil Pasha Sairin, immediately after his appointment as Minister of Interior, I was the first to write three articles about him under the title The Minister of Interior and Strong Decisions. I remember exactly that I asked him to start with the file of foreign presence, and I said that for many years we have been demanding the legalization of foreigners in Sudan. The second thing was the civil status file and a review of nationality and national numbers. We thank God very much that the brother minister actually started with the files of foreigners and civil status and held more than one workshop on them and made many decisions to immediately implement the inventory and expel all those who violate the rules of residence and do not carry any identification document.

0 Very briefly, we then wrote, saluting the effort, the continuous movement and the follow-up of the brother minister, and asked him to continue this approach, to stand with the oppressed and to judge between all with justice and good counsel. These are the characteristics of a successful leader, who regards the truth as the truth and follows it, and lies as lies and avoids it.

0 It is said that a person is the sum of his choices, because the speed of life forces us to make multiple and immediate decisions, and in many cases we end up biting our fingers because of the mistakes we have committed.

0 I present all this introduction to say that Lieutenant General, according to Honorable Adam, appointed Director General of Customs Forces, everyone testifies to his great achievements that have been made during his current era, whether it is seizures of weapons, antiquities or human trafficking in these valleys, mountains and rugged roads. The General Administration for Combating Smuggling was also able to seize more than half a ton of the most dangerous drugs, destroyed in the presence of all judicial authorities. considered the first of its kind and unprecedented. I mentioned this small part of the great achievements in form and content to say that the team, according to the will of God, was suffering from an illness that required them to travel outside the country for treatment, asking God to grant them a speedy recovery. followed by illness. Before leaving the hospital, in accordance with the military hierarchy, he instructed Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim to manage the work within the customs command so that the charges are managed in the required manner. It is fortunate that Major General Salah has started his work. duties, and this means that the team, according to the generous plan, placed the right man in the right place until he returned to the hospital while he was in the hospital in full health and well-being, thanks to God and the prayers of his lovers.

0 The team traveled according to Al-Kareem, reassured that the work would proceed according to what he had planned with Major General Salah. But only three days after his trip while he was in the hospital receiving treatment, the Minister of Interior, Major General (M) Sayrin, issued a decision appointing Major General Salah as the designated director, with Major General Salah carrying out his work as the designated director. director and made fundamental changes to the powers of the appointed director, and not to his powers as those assigned to him by the director. Which means that General Salah was treated as if he were the designated director, which indicates that he proceeds and relies on the implementation of clear directives. What is happening and how, in the presence of a certain director, another director is appointed, Mr. Minister. This means that Customs now has two directors at the same time, especially since the appointment of Major General Salah as the appointed director? was issued after the team's trip, according to the generous, as I mentioned, three days, knowing that the guaranteed processing time is in accordance with the regulations and laws and can extend up to six months. It is also not a matter of collegiality or professionalism to appoint a new manager, and the initially appointed manager is bedridden while you already have an appointed manager. For the first time, we hear two managers appointed at the same time, which is a strange and surprising thing.

0 As the press, we are tasked with seeking the truth and defending the truth that transcends it. Just as we have praised your efforts, my brother the minister, we also criticize your mistakes if you have made any.

0 Frankly, we are tired of seeing some civil servants floundering in the face of decisions that may have been based on an emotional and momentary reaction, or without waiting and studying, or even settling their scores, which forces the higher or concerned authority to cancel or modify them, and change any reverse image in any government or ministerial agency.

0 We tell our brother, the Minister of Interior, that the decision to assign you to Major General Salah in the presence of a specific director is not in accordance with the regulations and laws that govern work, especially in the case of Lieutenant General According to Al-Kareem, this is above all a humanitarian case that deserves care and moral support before and after the financial case. Let each incident be discussed.

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. And the God of intention behind.

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