Executive Director of Kosti: Southerners from Aden district were deported to Jabalin camps – Ajabin: He calls on citizens not to pay attention to rumors spread by the fifth column.

The executive director of the locality of Kosti Abu Ubaida, Omar Ajbeen, revealed that the authorities had taken away the remains of the southerners who were in the Aden district, southeast of the industrial zone, and who worked in the alcohol industry, indicating that they were causing problems. , and that the first batch of them was deported to the Jabalain camps to remedy their situation with… The Humanitarian Aid Commission and the Refugee Commission are organizing the expulsion of the rest of them, and the situation is now under control and there are no security threats.

Ajabin stated in limited press releases that the locality is safe and does not face any significant security threats, noting that the arrival conditions are under control and that the local security committee has implemented measures to secure the locality and the city of Kosti by deploying a number of outposts and points that monitor the city's entrances and exits in all directions, in addition to circumambulation, and that the locality has developed an exceptional plan to monitor and monitor the movements of the fifth column and thieves. He added that the local security committee remains in a permanent state to monitor and deal with any phenomenon that may lead to negative practices and submit its report daily, reassuring the citizens of Kosti and calling on them not to pay attention to rumors. that specialized commissions, such as the Security Commission and the Rumor Refuting Commission, have members present on the ground with citizens and exercise their functions through their multiple interfaces, markets and mosques, to refute rumors.

The Acting Commissioner, Abu Ubaida Ajabin, renewed his confidence in the citizens and expatriates of the locality of Kosti, noting that they are in contact with them through the emergency administrative committees, and that citizens must assume their responsibility , particularly in terms of security. which is complementary between the citizen and state agencies, and each party must fully play its role.

Ajabin warned that the city of Kosti is experiencing great pressure due to the number of expatriates, which has more than doubled the number of citizens in the city before the war, stressing that this requires additional measures and that local authorities are doing their duty to the fullest extent.

In a related context, the executive director of the locality of Kosti said that the Committee for Combating Smuggling of Goods made significant seizures in the last period, some of which were goods coming from the area of Triangle and others grabbed gasoline. of the local intelligence service amounted to six million.

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