Drugs are an imminent danger that threatens society and the state – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayed

The drug problem is considered one of the most dangerous types of problems that are growing and threatening most countries, and Sudan is not isolated from it. This issue continues to worry internal and external public opinion, and global indicators confirm the increase of this phenomenon. despite the efforts made to combat it.

The drug problem is currently considered one of the biggest problems that most countries in the world are suffering from, and they are trying to combat it in various ways because of its enormous damage. It is no longer limited to a specific country or a specific class of society, but rather includes all types of classes.

Drug use and addiction initially begins with a person experimenting with a dear friend or group in order to escape a specific problem. Drugs are first justified by saying that they are a solution to a problem and that they create. life is better. Their use is increasing day by day, and their danger lies in the fact that their repeated use increases their power and control over the brain, making it difficult to control the intense desire to consume it, and here it goes from a pass -time at the beginning. to its profound organic, physical and psychological impact.

We find that many people use drugs under the illusion that it is a solution to a problem, to find temporary relief, to get out of depression and to increase their self-confidence, especially among students during periods exams or singers in front of the audience, but continuing with this leads to many more serious problems that are more important than the first problem that the user wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, some families play a major role in spreading drugs among their children through pampering, extra money, lack of family supervision, and leaving children to their whims without accountability. which allows them to enter the world of drugs. drugs after the availability of a suitable environment and climate, knowing that these drugs became available according to the financial capacity of the individual. Some groups of wealthy people take pills, cocaine, heroin, gunpowder, opium and other drugs. are manufactured, and they are very expensive. The rest of the groups of poor families are not spared from the harm of these toxins, and we find that the drugs circulating among these groups are Hashish (bingo). This indicates the spread of various types of drugs in all segments of society.

The spread of drugs in their current form has become a real danger because they mainly target young people, who are the hope of the nation and its future foundation. These drugs also have many disadvantages that harm society and their effects are reflected on future generations. on which countries development and construction depend.

Drug traffickers lure students and some poor people, exploiting their need for money after convincing them that it will solve their financial problems.

The phenomenon of the increasing risk of widespread abuse in its worrying form lies in the fact that it has doubled the increase in the number of drug addicts, given that most of the drug victims are young people, which has caused anxiety and fear among families, given that drug addiction has many negative effects that extend to family members and society.

The social harms of these drugs are that they lead to the destruction of morals and corruption of society. They cause the addict or user to lose honor, social status and good reputation among people, and lead to poverty, misery, destitution and unemployment. and make him indifferent to her lack of jealousy.

We see that the drug-addicted head of the family contributes to the breakdown of his family and the delinquency of his children due to the abandonment of his supervisory role due to his drug use or his imprisonment. This can lead the mother to resort to the education of her children. illegal work such as begging, theft and other prohibited work.

To prevent the danger of these drugs, one should not take them at all, in addition to having a strong and stable relationship between family members which reduces drug use and abuse.

Drugs have become the greatest challenge facing society and the state in this era, and the war against them is no longer limited to official agencies alone, but rather is a matter of solidarity, duty and responsibility of the individual, family and society in all its sectors.

Therefore, every father needs to think about the harm addiction causes him and how it affects his family, who may be lost and displaced because of it. We see that many children have left their families as a result of abuse at home and become transformed. to use drugs to satisfy their instincts and try to escape their reality, thinking that it will comfort them and make them forget their problems which may be caused by a family member, and this is the beginning of a deviation from which the family is not aware. from it, they therefore associate themselves with bad friends who pave the way for them towards the path of loss.

From what has been mentioned, the good example of the head of the family plays a vital role in prevention, and fathers and mothers must be a good example to their children. The majority of children of drug addicts are very vulnerable to drug abuse and addiction, but this does not necessarily apply to everyone, as every society has good and bad.

Raising children according to the tenets of the Islamic faith is considered the first building block for instilling moral concepts and values ​​in them.

From here, it becomes clear to us the important and vital role that the family plays in the education of children, but before playing this role, parents must be good role models for their children, and we must recognize that a change has occurred in some families, represented by morality, which is the foundation on which nations build their societies and is transmitted from generation to generation. Due to the decline of morality, lying, hypocrisy, cheating and disrespect for children. adults have spread throughout society and the values ​​that we inherited from our ancestors have disappeared.

Alien customs produced by technology, various social media and satellite channels have had a negative impact on our customs and traditions, as this invasion is seen as an attack on the identity of emerging generations, their language, culture and religious and civilizational affiliations. To address this alienation, balance must be restored by advancing societies towards the centers of scientific renaissance and intellectual and moral progress.

So that we can fight and combat these drugs, official authorities and organizations related to the issue must organize seminars, seminars, scientific and cultural platforms and workshops, in addition to strengthening work with international and voluntary organizations, local and international community organizations and all parties concerned with the issue of the fight against drugs.

We must also activate the role of the media of all kinds in addressing these issues, as they play a vital role as a source of influence that helps to orient and guide.

The media, especially the visual media, must choose good programs suitable for religious families and not broadcast obscene television and film series, which have produced for us a generation that no longer thinks about matters of religion.

Some films show heroes and their strengths linked to drugs and their consumption, which is contrary to values ​​and traditions, which can contribute to the spread of drugs.

Statistics indicate that most deviant youth are motivated by imitating drug films.

The atmosphere that the addict experiences in the film in terms of scenes, the smoke and the feeling of euphoria are some of the things that are imprinted on the viewer's mind, suggesting that it is the pleasure that makes him affected by the film and seeks to imitate, and that is where disaster strikes.

This, in turn, requires us to be guided by religion in order to achieve security. Sharia law prohibits these drugs because of their serious harm to human health and their impact on the family, society and the state.

Islam has not prohibited any act arbitrarily, and the purpose of Islam in prohibiting it is not to impose restrictions on people. Rather, the purpose of prohibition is to preserve the safety of man and the regularity of the path of man and humanity. For prohibiting any act constitutes the evil and danger inherent in that act, the negative impact of which extends to man. Islam has come to ward off the harmful effects and bring benefits.

The reason for its ban was that it exhausts the body and reduces its well-being, in addition to wasting money without benefit.

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