Al Karama Azza Watan Forum in Bashandi Celebrates World Drug Day – Scenes and Evidence – ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

The General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications is organizing a conference entitled (Drugs and their impact on society), sponsored by the Executive Director.

The national anti-drug campaign continues in the community by raising awareness and examining the dangers of drugs and their harm to security, justice and the judiciary.

Drugs are now condemned by all segments of society.

Awareness seminar on the dangers of drugs organized by the Department of Culture through the Al Karama Azza Watan Forum. In coordination with the anti-narcotics police, the conference was presented by the deputy expert of the police *Ahmed Al-Nour* and a number of specialists, and the participants were:

Shendi University, represented by Dr. Khaled Hassan Jadallah, along with the Dean of the University's College of Community Development, as well as Major Muhammad Ali, Acting Director of the Security Unit.

In addition to our media role, specialized groups, youth and social groups of experts have demanded and demanded an awareness campaign about the danger of drugs and its impact on the nation, each in their own way, through the media and platforms, to discuss the spread of drugs in the country. This symposium is considered the most important and significant of all the symposiums and meetings that the region has witnessed before, so far. All these conferences, whether political, social or economic, aim to address a person who is healthy in mind and body, and therefore this person can interact with the results of these great and important conferences and meetings.

But what is the value of these meetings and conferences if they are aimed at a person deprived of his mind, body and will?

Police Assistant Ahmed Al-Nour, a specialist in the Narcotics Control Department, spoke at the beginning of the symposium.

Highlighting the danger of drugs after their types have developed, especially those that are chemically manufactured and kill instantly, such as ice, alum or crystal, this chemical compound has no cure and causes death. is controlled by the police, security services and the army in quantities and the magnitude of these quantities is not considered as a commercial or profit motive, but rather as a targeting of the minds of the youth. It is freely promoted to the drug addicted youth. and according to experts, this type is expensive!!!

He called on families to monitor and supervise their children.

Dr. Khaled Hassan Jadallah, a specialist in this field, spoke at the symposium at Shendi University. He reviewed the scientific definition and impact, addressing the psychological aspect of numbness or anesthesia and clouding of the mind. drug rate statistics and called for strong resistance to the war on drugs, old and young people, especially families, teachers and the entire nation, discuss the danger of drugs, discussing their types dangerous moderns and their traditional antiquity. , it presents the definition of drugs, their types, signs of knowing an addict, the importance of treatment and prevention, and religious motivations.

*Mawlana Hasab al-Rasul Mustafa, first prosecutor of Shendi*

He addressed the legal aspect and the targeting that the Nile State is exposed to, especially due to the significant economic activity in the mining areas. He stressed the dangers of drugs, their types and modern methods of their propagation. the continuation of these awareness seminars and conferences, increasing educational doses in this regard in all regions, and working for the treatment of drug addiction, referring to the articles of the law that punish drug traffickers, promoters and users, demanding more severe judicial sanctions, he stressed. that the scourge of drugs has spread and calls on young people to fight it with determination … by reviewing the development of drugs and their types, especially those manufactured chemically, which lead to death. He also addressed the addiction to digital electronics and the virtual world, emphasizing its danger, reviewing some articles of the criminal law.

* For his part, new ones. Maulana ** Ali Omar Nour Al-Daim ** The second undersecretary of the Shindi Public Prosecution expressed his concern to continue awareness campaigns to limit the spread of the drug phenomenon. He stressed the importance of coordination with all relevant agencies to combat the spread of drugs. drugs and combat them, and mobilize all fronts and entities to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs from a legal and Sharia perspective, emphasizing Islamic legislation in the interest of the people and warding off evil. effect of drugs on the mind, addressing the health aspect … He addressed the need to preserve religion, mind, lineage and money, and to nourish the mind with science and knowledge for the fear of God. He called on young people to do so. be vigilant and fear God.

* Professor Babiker Al-Sayyid, Director of the General Administration of Culture and Information, spoke at the symposium, calling for the eradication and fight against drugs, stressing the importance of support popular of the whole of society and the commitment of everyone to a societal revolution and to stand firmly alongside the competent authorities and fight against traffickers and drug traffickers. Treating drug addicts in treatment centers.

Emphasizing the absence of mind of the user, which leads to disbelief in polytheism or killing a soul that God has forbidden to kill, the addict is also considered to have committed suicide by slow death and can kill others. The mind is the most honorable thing in a person, emphasizing its absence by the consumption of alcohol and drugs, even by theft, robbery and usurpation. He emphasized the destructive causes… and called for strengthening religious determination to the right thing. faith and its security… and staying away from bad companions… and called on parents to take care of their children and watch over them.

* This symposium was widely attended by several organizations, media specialists and journalists, and explained a number of aspects related to drugs, in addition to an illustrative presentation of the types of drugs, their promotion and their impact on the user.

So this campaign is the campaign for a drug-free Sudan for adults and children, schools and universities, teachers, businessmen, families and for the entire nation because of the danger it poses, and the greatest burden falls on the media in its role of awareness raising and advice.

The role of security, justice and judicial agencies is to enforce the law and resolve and amputate without relentlessness.




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