Implementing Comprehensive National Strategic Planning in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Planning is a systematic process that aims to shape the image of the future with the decisions made in the present. It includes basic data for making decisions, examining various alternatives and preparing plans to put the best alternatives into practice, provided that these plans are realized. are characterized by realism and flexibility. Strategic planning is considered long-term and linked to the future. It is an important element of national security planning, especially in the face of emergencies that arise. The national object represents the national hopes and ambitions. of the state, which national strategy planning aims to achieve, and thus all national objectives derive from it. The national interest of the state is considered an important basis on which it builds its national strategy and foreign and defense policy. in order to achieve its national goals and objectives. Accordingly, politics is the result of the movement of political, diplomatic, economic, military, social and moral work that takes place within the framework of the national strategy in order to achieve the national goal, and this is the field of activity of the political leadership.

In today's world, comprehensive strategic planning has become a feature of the modern era and at the level of all sectors of the country, it has become necessary for each sector to define its long-term objectives and short-term programs, and to develop an integrated plan. which is implemented in deliberate stages to achieve these objectives, provided that monitoring is carried out periodically to be able to resolve implementation problems at appropriate times, and planning therefore means reflection, planning and scientific contemplation of issues and then. forecasting before taking a decision. Therefore, the availability of a dedicated facility for planning work is considered a necessity imposed by the nature of the planning process itself. Strategic studies vary, whether at the level of political leadership, called “national planning”, or at the level of political-military leadership, called “political-military planning”, or at the level of the ministries concerned. what is called “specialized planning”. For example, the Ministry of Defense decides on “military strategic planning”, and the Ministry of Economy decides on “economic strategic planning”, and there are general lines for strategic planning. Planning is one of the main functions of the top management of the state. mainly related to the future. Therefore, it requires special abilities to anticipate, predict and use modern theories and methods that contribute to this.

There are several concepts of strategic planning, perhaps the most important being the one proposed by the American thinker Thomas Schelling in his book “The Planning and Program Development System”, published in 1979. He said: “It is the process of defining the desired objectives, determining the means to achieve these objectives, determining the steps to achieve them and the methods that must be followed to achieve these objectives. Planning requires analyzing the results of what has been previously implemented and making a decision on what should be implemented in the light of the study and estimation of the future, and therefore we can say that it is: “an integrated, scientific and precise study of a problem; with the aim of determining its limits and dimensions and seeking solutions, while preparing and implementing a temporary, specific and coherent plan to solve it, which includes forecasting the expected objectives and achieving the most appropriate solutions for them.

Planning according to the scientific method is also considered one of the main features of the modern era and the basis of any successful work to achieve the desired national goals. It therefore requires special abilities of anticipation and forecasting with regard to the future. Scientific planning in its comprehensive sense is a mental process that requires in-depth logical thinking and a perceptive future vision of the goals, as well as an integrated scientific study to identify and evaluate alternatives, predict expected results and choose the best alternatives to achieve the desired goal. goals within the framework of current and expected capabilities, through a specific program of steps and methods that must be followed to confront the expected possibilities, that is, thinking before performance, and performance in the light of facts where it matters. Strategic planning responds to changes. the external environment and the resulting changes. I think that we in Sudan absolutely need to apply the concept of comprehensive national strategic planning in accordance with practical approaches, with the matter being entrusted to qualified national experts and specialists.

Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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