Foreign conspiracy against Sudan and its armed forces calls for confrontation and resolution – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

What Sudan is currently suffering from is a huge war for which the rapid support militias and mercenaries from several countries have mobilized. It has reaped everything and continues to destroy the country and its infrastructure and kill its citizens. Its misguided media embellishes and justifies these actions with fabricated videos and information that frightens citizens and serves the enemy on the ground. All this makes us wonder where the official state media knows about all this, except for a few media highlights of those who oppose the cause of the nation.

An inverted image in light of the neglect faced by the media and journalists, their renewed suffering in their countries, their displacement and their families to the states in search of security and livelihoods, and the fact that they abandon the media field for other professions after the hidden war that is being waged. We find on the other side strong and continuous support to inform the rebellion, as the United Arab Emirates sponsors more than twenty media outlets through social networks to attack the Sudanese government.

When will the government wake up to the danger of the media and restore and strengthen it by putting the right person in the right place and finding ways for media professionals to continue their media role to the nation?

In light of this hazy and ambiguous situation, we have become real. We do not know who is with us and who is against us, and we have begun to doubt the veracity of the information received on social media platforms, which have multiplied. the flags of the rebellion and the activists who support them, who spread their venom everywhere through waffles.

We are afraid that one day we will wake up and find that the country has disappeared from our hands because of this indulgence and satisfaction in simply watching what is happening without doing anything. Loud and enthusiastic speeches alone will not be enough to liberate a country or expel a rebel from his home. Measures must be taken on the ground, because only the ground proves the seriousness of the fight against this militia.

We know that the plot is very large and aims to divide Sudan and dismantle its army, but in order to reduce the danger of this plot, the government must take certain measures and show seriousness, as it must declare a state of emergency in the country, declare general mobilization and form a government to manage the war that cares about the livelihoods of the people who are fed up, not leaving the management of the country's affairs at this critical stage to specific figures, and this is not a lack of confidence, but rather the issue requires the support and participation of experienced military and political figures to develop plans to get out of this deep quagmire. The current situation does not tolerate theory and experimentation, as the stage requires urgent action in the media and on the ground. save the country and get out of this impasse, because this requires arming the popular resistance, the mobilized and all those who are capable of bearing arms to face this trend which is adopted by many Arab, African, European and Gulf countries.

And for the other countries that are hiding, the matter cannot bear delays and speculations, knowing that the military supply of the rapid support militia continues, which complicates the situation. If we do not act with the speed required to resolve and defeat this rebellion, we will succeed in entering a dark tunnel from which the exit may be difficult and at the expense of the citizen and the nation.

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