Hamdok.. The one who died is lost – behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Ibrahim Jaber: One of the leaders of the Emirates informed us through a third party that the weapons are in the free zone, and under your eyes, arms dealer,*

*A coalition of civilian forces is advancing, composed of armed movements allied with the Rapid Support Militia, which is killing and looting citizens*

*Hamdok's denial of UAE involvement in supporting militia refuted by expert committee report and numerous Western reports*

*A draft resolution in Congress to prevent the export of American weapons to the United Arab Emirates in order to re-export weapons to militias*

*The Sudanese people who supported Hamdok are surprised by the inability of this man to try to defend him*

*The Sudanese people consider Hamdok's denial as misleading, his support for the militia and the acquittal of the UAE as treason.*

*Hamdok's conversations with Burhan need proof*

The Emirati newspaper The National reported that former Sudanese Prime Minister and head of the Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces (Taqaddum), Abdullah Hamdok, denies reports of a “malicious role” of the UAE in Sudan, accusing the UAE of supporting the rapid support. Forces that have been fighting the Sudanese army since April 15, 2023 AD, and according to the newspaper, Hamdok spoke about the criticism that accompanied his meeting with the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, in Addis Ababa in January, and he said that the leaders of “Taqaddam” wrote to Al-Burhan and Dagalo last December to request a meeting (Hemedti responded and we met him At the beginning of this year, we signed the Addis Declaration with him, which is a document on the manner of Hamdok added that Al-Burhan did not respond to the invitation and said: “When the meeting ended with Hemedti. , Al-Burhan called me and said: How can you meet with the rebels? I told him that we wrote to you and that we were happy to meet you in the near future. Hamdok said that this meeting did not take place because that Al-Burhan had insisted. meeting in Port Sudan, but Hamdok refused, saying (in Port Sudan). In a remote corner of the country, if you worked from the State Palace in Khartoum, I would come to see you tomorrow, “Hamdok added in his speech on the Alliance. of Democratic Civil Forces Advancement (We do not claim to be the only force on the scene, we appeal to others and accept them with open arms,” ​​and said about the founding conference To advance that some of those who attended the conference were armed groups such as the Sudan Liberation Movement – North, led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, which drew criticism from some civilian groups, and this is not true because the criticism came from those who funded the conference, and the conference was also attended by Al-Taher Hajar Movement and Al-Hadi Idris Movement, who was elected deputy of Hamdok.

Mr. Prime Minister of the December Revolution Government is mistaken, but he cannot deceive the facts and facts documented by international bodies and official organizations affiliated with the United Nations. This is regrettable and shameful on the part of a Prime Minister who found the support of the Sudanese people. that no one had found before him, but he squandered it. Unfortunately, all this had a devastating impact on Sudan and its people and led our country to war. He deliberately ignores the facts about the support of the United Arab Emirates. the militia and denies this support, which was documented by the reports of the Commission of Experts (affiliated with the United Nations) published in January 2024, and by the reports of the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee which introduced a bill to ban US arms exports to the Emirates. (introduced by Congresswoman Sarah Jacobs) because of the re-export of weapons to the militias without US approval, and he turns a blind eye to the reports and investigations published by major Western newspapers (The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Telegraph, etc.), in addition to the seizure of these weapons by the Sudanese army on the ground or in their storage areas, Hamdok forgets that this weapon kills and displaces (his people) who fully supported him, and Hamdok cannot defend him with a single word.

The militia grew and developed during the years of Hamdok's government, and no one forgets the frustration and anger that affected a large part of the Sudanese people due to Hamdok's abdication of his constitutional jurisdiction to oversee the peace file. appointed Hemedti as head of the Economic Committee and agreed to be his deputy In the most dangerous committee and with the powers of one of the most important branches of the executive branch, it was made easy for him to dominate the portfolio of strategic goods, gold exports, and the import of oil products with a net profit margin of (12%). As for his justifications for the presence of rising armed movements, this is something that contradicts the name and charter (Taqaddum) as a civilian force, and he sufficiently conceals his loyalty to the militias because these armed movements fight allied in the ranks of the militias, and therefore all the justifications for their presence in the Taqaddum alliance are nothing but a deception that fools no one. As for his claim that Taqaddum does not. claim to be the only force in play. The scene is also nothing but a tactical retreat, because the forces that represent progress claimed to be the only legitimate representative of the Sudanese people, without a partner, and this is (the illusion) that led to exclusion classifications. and the conditions for participation in the political process by accepting the framework agreement and the constitution. The conduct of the lawyers, up to (oh the framework … oh the war), as for Mr. Hamdok's conversation with Burhan, there is. no evidence to confirm it, and it could fall into the category of deniers because the UAE supports the militias with weapons from the free zone, as one of the UAE leaders said to a third party who reported it to Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber. Member of the Sovereignty Council, and before your eyes, an arms dealer, and whoever regrets his old days is lost.

July 4, 2024 AD

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