A major security campaign to control negative phenomena in the locality of Al-Dabba

Continuation of efforts to combat negative phenomena, combat foreign presence and control sleeper cells

To extend the prestige of the state in the locality of Al-Dabba, in coordination with the joint forces, a major security campaign was carried out at the city level to legalize the foreign presence in the locality.

The local security committee has launched a campaign to control sleeper cells and legalize foreign presence in the city.

Mr. Dafallah Siddiq, representative of the executive director, security committee and director of the unit in the locality, said that the aim of today's campaign is to show strength so that the northern state is not captured by the locality of Al-Dabba. , and this is a clear message to any weak-minded person who is trying to be wary of any failed attempt, and our message to the rebel militias is that do not think about the northern state and the locality of Al-Dabba, it is just a thought. it may fail.

Siddiq stressed that the security services of Al-Dabba locality are on alert and searching for them.

He stressed their confidence in their Sudanese Armed Forces, their regular services and their muster men.

He assured the citizen that the locality of Al-Dabba is ready to protect the land, honor and religion.

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