A confession from inside the rooms of deception…. The price paid is the most important..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

The shameless and desolate era provided its followers with ample space (for obscene transgression) through public money and foreign officials who took care of industry, expenses, customer service and livelihood. This money became (desirable) for them and resonated in their pockets. , and it was difficult (to avoid), and in fact its goals became (easy work). It is frequented by any idle person who has an “appetite” for money, regardless of its source… and it seems clear that the money war has provided more “employment opportunities” for a group of idle people to perform immoral tasks of confusing internal and external public opinion by making “lies”, spreading “rumors” and installing misleading videos and the latest electronic devices (digital media). , multiplying (the misinformation) and transforming it into a spider's web capable (of catching) those who have no prior knowledge (of their misguidance and immorality), and who have not yet had the facts and the correct news..!!*

*Then there was another group of other people who were given the tasks of “taq al-hanak” on satellite channels and social networking sites, with all their talent in “heresy”. Others earned them to appear on people whose writings were the source. “the siphoning” of their (mummified) ideas, their (superficial) information, and all this amount of (Lies and rumors, written and spoken, do not leave the area of ​​(Al-Kizan and the remains) and some of the evidence and the army… As for why all this (self-satisfaction) in supporting and supporting the rebellion and its heinous crimes..?!!… The (resounding) answer comes out from inside the rooms of the fabrication of lies and rumors. In the words of one of the (deceived), he confided in one of them and said: (Everything is just wishful thinking… and this is the most important thing, and we do not care about the results of the war. The most important thing is that we stop…!!)… a frank recognition of the mercenary work, what a (coma) and what a (shame)… And miserable Abdul Dinar..!!

*Do what you want, enemies of your country and your people, you agents of foreigners, but know that your actions remain (foam) and arrogance disappears, and what benefits the people and the country (remains) in the country… and the decisive victory (is closer) to the army than to your jugular vein, so congratulate (your sorrows) for you and for the account, my child..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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