What is between me and the army poets (part one) ✍️ Ali Al-Fatih Al-Zubair

In the third year after two thousand, in the suburbs of Al-Qadisiyah neighborhood, east of the Nile in Khartoum, I was at that time responsible and supervised the establishment of one of the private educational institutions, according to visions and planning that contribute to providing a quality education model in Sudan, according to recent studies and experiences, aiming to achieve and establish the fundamental objective of education (preparing a person for life) in accordance with the “modern rule” (preparing a comprehensive person)

The believer, the educated, the intellectual, the producer…

Before the start of the new school year of this institution, and while I was in the administrative office, one morning, one of the parents eager to enroll their children in this institution entered my house, holding in his hand the announcement application that we had distributed widely in the Eastern Nile region, and after the greetings and welcome, we began, as usual, to present the institution, its objectives and its distinction, in words and deeds, God willing.

His turn was known:

Fath al-Rahman al-Jali,,, had never defined himself with a title before,,

And after he finished, I said to him: “I know you, Your Excellency, you are the poet of the government,” and he interrupted me by saying: “I am not the poet of the government, I am the poet of the army.” So I answered him, and I respected his answer and his correctness, because he is one of the eminent people who loved this institution, rooted in history, rooted in meanings.

The protector of the homeland, its supporter and the symbol of its magnificence and pride.

He wrote, recorded and documented the victories of this national institution, which will last forever…

As soon as our session turned into a poetry session, I enjoyed listening to a number of his poems that were neither published nor broadcast on television.

I remember part of a poem he wrote addressing his son Asim when he was one year old, trying to stand up and walk, addressing him:

Don't be in a hurry..,,

You grow up early

You carry your pen and mount the pulpit

She also wears a military uniform

Do not rush..

Asim, brother of the group

A little bit

It's all just a moment and part of it

a night

Early you grow up and you stay


And about our nation, take away the burden

Do not rush..

And this Asim, and his sister of him,

Dr. Colonel's sons: Fath al-Rahman al-Jaali (the army lover and poet). After this session, they became among the first students to form the core of this educational institution.

How I wished that the circumstances of life would allow us to meet on several occasions such inspiring and influential personalities, with their literary, cultural and social wealth, as the personality of the doctor, poet and writer Colonel:

Fath al-Rahman al-Jali,

(May God bless him with kindness), and while we remember him with kindness and for kindness, we hope to hear of him what pleases us… him and his honorable family, and his children.

My students (Yasser and Menna)..

It should be noted that due to my mobility and the tasks and concerns of public and private work, I only stayed in this institution during the year of its foundation, so the communication between me and His Excellency Dr. Al-Jaali was interrupted.

For a long time, thus has the world been: (it gathers together to divide, and separates itself, to gather together)

In the second part :

(What happened between me and Al-Jaali in the studios of the Armed Forces Radio in 2010)

He is forgiven, God willing.

Professor, educator, teacher, poet: May God reward Awad Al-Sayyid

A man of situations and a poet of heroism

To be continued, God willing…

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