Expatriate media professionals in the Nile State benefit from a renewed and free offer ✍️ Fath al-Rahman Abu al-Qasim

For more than a year, the period that media professionals from Khartoum State spent in the Nile State was subjected to the terrible conditions of war after leaving their place of residence in Khartoum and their place of work. They are now faced with housing. and subsistence for themselves and their families in the Nile State, as they do not have salaries or a stable source of income. The living conditions would be difficult in the Nile State if these media professionals had not organized themselves into a group. association that would be an umbrella and a collective vessel for them to solve their problems, their situation would have been more difficult. This association and its executive office have managed to solve many problems of the members who struggle with these problems without attention and without attention. followed by the Nile State Government, its Governor and Minister of Information who are supposed to take advantage of the presence of this brilliant group of media professionals in the service of the state, and the state government to provide them with services for the association in return for their media efforts in covering the events and activities of the state government in general. We hope that the state government will pay attention to the expatriate media professionals who now feel marginalized and neglected.

We hope that what the Khartoum Nile River Journalists Association has provided to its members will live up to its qualities.

God bless

Fath al-Rahman Abu al-Qasim/Khartoum Satellite Channel

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