In response to the crushing strikes of our armed forces: Janjaweed gangs bomb the El Fasher market… ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ The Janjaweed gangs did not find an appropriate way to respond to the incendiary bombings of our armed forces last night, which left people dead in various parts of the country, other than targeting unarmed civilians in the El Fasher market…

++ The El Fasher market was bombed yesterday without sympathy or pity, killing ((15)) and injuring about thirty of them without sufficient justification, in complete and total silence from all international human rights organizations that refused to give the matter its due.

++ This suspicious silence of international organizations reflects the extent of the massive complicity and global conspiracy that is being hatched against the Sudanese people, which makes the Sudanese people look with indignation at any initiative coming from abroad, no matter how big the campaign. humanity and pity for us are cast upon it…

++ At the same time, it reveals the vile intentions of these gangs, who have continued to suffer successive defeats at the hands of our regular forces, and have only suffered a greater defeat than their sister…

++ In this regard, it had no choice but to prove its presence on the ground in a way other than taking revenge on these regular forces in the person of innocent and defenseless citizens, powerless against the mortar launchers…

++ But the stupidity that invades her almost applies to her, preventing her from realizing the intensity of the popular discontent against her, which prevents her from any tolerance, reconciliation or meeting that would allow the conscience of the Sudanese people to forgive her for her heinous crimes, which she presented as a flagrant example of bloodshed, brutality, ugliness of physical liquidation and waste of the sanctity of blood and money.

++ Therefore, any talk of reconciliation, settlement or agreement with these criminal, murderous and rapist Janjaweed is a form of idiocy, imbecility, madness and negligence that cannot be uttered by any sane or respectable person…

++ Look again at the voices of “No to war”. Most of them come from disgraces ranging from naivety, carelessness, betrayal, negligence and cowardice, or cowardice” God honors those who listen. chivalry, chivalry and religion. They live for themselves and their desires without caring about traditions or established traditions. They belong to respectable families with a heritage of virtue or morality…

++ The popular rejection of any agreement gives the Janjaweed hope of regaining power, as a belief among the Sudanese people that they agreed upon and agreed upon when they saw that the solution lies in ((believing))…

++ It is fortunate that the will of the army has agreed and reconciled with the popular will, which has been confirmed by all the statements of its leaders who have taken seriously the statements of Al-Burhan by declaring his three nos: ((No negotiations, no peace, and no ceasefire with these criminal aggressors))….

++ The bombing carried out yesterday by the Janjaweed against the El Fasher market is a heinous crime that surpasses all crimes and atrocities to be classified among the most despicable crimes that have shaken the Sudanese society and spread a spirit of rage and anger whose wound will not heal before time, days, nor the succession of years and the passage of days…

++ Army, O ((Machine)) 000

++ Believe, O ((jinn))000

++ Resistance, O ((Nashama))000

*Omar Capo*

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