Fourth Generation Wars – In Reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, Lawyer

The rumor mill writes chapters of misguidance…

Our media is absent, and the media of the cursed Satan

Fakes are created from time to time…

The obsessive and deceptive person draws attention to the eyes and they read…

Lies devour, then create fear and defeat…

Manufacturing has achieved its goal of destroying our society…

The media blessing is a lie and minds are frightened…

He reported the flight of a force from Kosti towards the town of Renk.

Led by a senior officer, she went…

The other rumor was then relayed in the media

I went there to read it…

Withdrawal of diplomatic missions and organizations

International of the country…

Airlines cancel flights to our country

For next August…

For intelligence information regarding the collapse of the army…

The same forbidden pumping passes and the eyes devour

Fear appears in the student…

The latest rumor was read by eighty thousand people

How many of them promoted it…

The rumor has written a new page of absurdity

Who ran there…

It is the absurdity of the media that draws an unfair line

Truth, disguise and lies…

The army in Kosti, Thabet Al-Jinan, leads the line

The eastern side is firmly…

Airlines, not embassies and organizations

She had never thought about it…

Our media is absent and does not know when the truth will be revealed

He doesn't understand when allegations are refuted…

People in these circumstances receive rumors…

Then they believe it, publish it, and it doesn't stop them…

It starts small and then grows to become a reality.

The general scene says this and more, so anything is possible

People to believe are on the rise…

Hostile media does and supports it

The line of lies is shaded by an immoral fluidity…

Its goals are to spread rumors to undermine trust in others.

Between the army and the people…

Penetrate societies and cause great confusion

To implement the goal of destroying the state…

The media is the real battlefield because…

In our situation, it is stronger than a cannon and a rocket launcher…

It must be strengthened, because it is too late

Strong media is not impossible…

When a conflict breaks out, it must be extinguished, otherwise it will be destroyed.

Like embers under the ashes…

Matches lit in dry grass

It extends far…

There are spirits that manage and draw the scenes…

At the same time, with similar events

The most confusion…

To give the information the widest possible distribution

And grow to make an impact.

Weaken society to achieve a result…

And urging him to leave the country at a specific time…

We are facing a reality in which traditional methods are ineffective.

No slow motion…

These are fourth-generation wars, and we are facing them in difficult circumstances.

Very complicated…

The road may be long and the first rain may be a drop

The main thing is that there are media outlets that support the military, which is harmful.

More than useful…

Promotes misinformation without verification, repeats

Suspicious information without verification…

When the leg of truth is exposed, its thigh appears

Stripped of its cover, leading to frustration…

Circulate a video in El Fasher for a women's bridge…

For the displaced and the joint combat forces

There is relentlessness…

They are carrying food in a very wonderful scene…

He published the action of the Bahr Abyad army in Jabal Doud…

Let's generalize how the Doba bridge was forcibly liberated…

Documenting battles to learn about the army's sacrifices.

He falls ill, he suffers, he will not die and he will pass…

Victory comes only from God Almighty…

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