The War Between Crowd and Field Dealings – Session is the Homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a sincere patriotic greeting to all the people of my country, two loyal patriots, who hold the trigger of the cause in the battle for Sudanese existence against the greatest global crusade aimed at erasing the identity and tearing the bonds of the nation, to bring about demographic change, to plunder wealth and property, after which Sudan will be divided into powerless states.

This is the main objective of this war that was imposed on the Sudanese people and carried out by the tools of the brutal support of the rebels and shameless agents after they failed to subdue and subjugate this country through their supposedly slanderous and deceptive democratic path that they have continued to promote through an elaborate plan and agenda supervised by the embassies and the Volcker colonial mission.

Today we are in the reality of a war in which the masters of the implementation tools spent the money of those who do not fear poverty to achieve the goals they had planned, but they were shocked by a challenge and a strong determination that broke everyone's plan and tactics for this malicious scenario, but despite this, they did not stop, but continued to throw wood into the fire of war to have more kindling.

The army and the regular forces are performing their duty as they should, in light of unprecedented popular support, despite the fierce betrayal campaigns carried out by misguided media to separate the people from the army, creating a state of weakness and isolation of each of them individually, in order to achieve what they have planned through their dirty agenda, but far from it, the goal is one, that our homeland remains proud of my father and our people who are dear to their country.

To continue to achieve the victory that is fast approaching, we must follow a sure path until we achieve our desired goals, God willing, and it is neither difficult nor impossible. The points that we put above the letters will achieve what we want, God willing.

First of all :

There must be unity in the ranks and rejection of any difference or disagreement that leads to rupture or breakdown in this very sensitive stage that the country is going through.


Announcing general mobilization and stopping all programs except those that serve the mobilization line and support the war effort, which entails a complete shift and orientation of the Sudanese street towards the decisive battle, as well as stopping public and private celebrations and banning gatherings, while decisively dealing with the phenomenon of firing bullets on special occasions.

Third :

To appropriate and enlighten the people about the events and developments of the battle above all, which places them at the heart of the event, knowing that war has the positive aspects of victory and the disadvantages of loss, especially since we are in the light of the media. an opening that must be exploited optimally, otherwise we will find ourselves prey to misleading media with intense fire to cause the most damage in the street body that the defensive and support shield battalion is the first in this battle

Fourth :

The language of the crowds and the threats that the rebellion has made through its paid media rooms and satellite channels that serve its agenda must be accompanied by targeted preparation on the ground that hits the targets of the misguided media by killing them. highlighting the facts from the places of the event through a series of war correspondents. Perhaps the success of the experience of the battlefields of redemption, which created an emotional connection with the ground of the event, which made battles to reconquer the areas and. progress on the ground is made with ease thanks to the Almighty God and the professional interaction of the media. The battlefields of redemption prepared the battlefield to crush the enemy after a campaign aimed at destroying morale among him, which put him in a preemptive position. state of defeat.


By decisively dealing with the fifth column and sleeper cell groups, which have become a greater concern than the mobilization forces coming from outside. In all the areas where the SDF rebellion entered, low numbers were observed, but they were reinforced by the sleeper cell groups inside. , so there must be operating rooms operating 24 hours a day. 24-hour reporting numbers are issued to communicate with citizens, accompanied by a rapid response to resolve these fifth column and sleeper cell elements, which are now the tipping point of the rebellion. and its shameless collaborators who form its networks of collaborators. This mite that gnaws among us is an organ affected by gangrene, so it must be amputated very quickly so that the rest of the body remains healthy and sound.

Now the decreed plan has occupied all the inhabitants of the region because of the intensity of the media fire with the crowds represented by the huge media machine that promotes them and the flow of displacements that takes place, so our situation has become psychological, and it is a dangerous stage that brings us to the stage of the sheep pulled by the hair, then the wolf of rebellion will take hold of us and achieve its desired goal. Therefore, our advice to everyone is that we… One body, if one organ complains about it, the rest of the body responds with insomnia, fever and spears. If we come together, we will be broken, and if we separate, we will be broken.

The Cairo conference will not be different from its counterparts because any solution proposed must be Sudanese-Sudanese with the participation of all and, for the homeland, a full stop.

Therefore, my compatriots, continue to persevere. Simple measures will help us resolve the battle of pride and dignity with a victory that honors the nation and erases all the sadness and anguish that have passed through its people.

Tomorrow, cascades of joy will flow and all the people of the country will return home safely, having swept away and crushed the last rebel Janjaweed and a Qahati agent who supported them.

O my God, grant us victory to honor your faithful servants and the defeat you inflict on the lost. Accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, return the missing to their families, O Lord of the worlds.

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