Ministry of Health: The number of people injured due to the war stands at 33,000 and efforts are being made to establish a specialized physical medicine and rehabilitation center to treat them.

Port Sudan: Total Net

The Federal Ministry of Health revealed that 33,000 infections have reached health facilities.

Meanwhile, an expanded meeting was held today, devoted to following up and reviewing proposals to establish rehabilitation and physiotherapy centers in different states of Sudan, in cooperation with the Sudanese Neurological Rehabilitation Society, which was held in the quarantine ward in Port Sudan.

Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim said in a press release that the meeting discussed proposals related to opening rehabilitation and physiotherapy treatment centers in a number of states, which would help provide services to citizens suffering from difficult financial and moral conditions due to their exposure to multiple injuries.

And post-surgical rehabilitation and other injuries related to the center's specializations, indicating that the project serves the wounded of the battle of Karama.

The minister indicated that arrangements are underway to evacuate the wounded from the city of El Geneina from the Chadian city of Ibeche to Port Sudan in order to provide medical services to the wounded, stressing that there is a joint understanding document with the association and the formulation of future projects to establish the center and communicate with partners.

The president and secretary of the association and the consultants of the association explained the overall vision, emphasizing the need to develop a strategy for the post-war period due to the great need for this type of medical intervention and the distribution of specialized therapeutic services in the states and the decentralization of services, accompanied by the need to qualify and train medical personnel, as well as the stability of the service.

It is worth noting that the meeting was attended by Dr. Ahid Al-Toum, President of the Association, and Dr. Aladdin Al-Malik, Vice President, and Dr. Wael Awad Al-Karim, Secretary of the Association, Dr. Sati Hassan Sati, Chairman of the Advisory Council for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Dr. Alaa Al-Tayeb Mudassir, Director of the General Department of International Health and Coordinator of Partnerships.

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