Exaggeration as a warning…friendly fire – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The media began to advance major events and even create spaces for them (acceptance) or (rejection) according to what the interest of the one who directs the (media) mechanism requires. Perhaps the idea betrays the American model that it imposed. the media to destroy (Iraq) for the benefit of (Israel) through this vast media campaign through the media mechanisms of the Western world, in which the American media had the lion's share, which was originally based on the “lie” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, until the lie was complemented by moves by the Atomic Energy Agency, which is an integral part of the game to believe this “lie”, so that the war broke out without the authorization of the United Nations, with the approval of the First World countries, and without the power or strength of the Third World countries.

The war that Sudan is facing today is first and foremost a (media) war before being a (field) war. The enemy has prepared dozens of newsrooms for it in African and Arab capitals, including Sudan, and thousands of people have been recruited. For this, their primary mission in this war is that of the media, to spread fear, panic and panic among citizens in the manner of (the tiger attack) to eliminate situations of security and social stability, so that the enemy media. mechanisms aim to prepare citizens to leave their areas and make them easy prey in cases of robberies, looting and thefts committed by mercenaries, criminals and gangs that have spread widely after the war.

But the problem remains in the media, the media and the people loyal to the homeland who spread information and audio or video clips to warn and beware of the fact that the enemy is going to attack and that he is ready to do so… and that the enemy is penetrating and the enemy is on the outskirts of this or that region. Therefore, the circulation of such information and such fabricated audio clips and audio clips has no contribution from anyone. To reassure, it helps the enemy to destabilize. the regions and creates fear among some citizens, and its results are therefore counterproductive, like the own goal in a football match, which is described as friendly fire. And the case of those who spread such information and clips as a “warning” is. directly a threat. The chapter on (exaggeration) and its harm is greater than its benefit and falls under the chapter (a rational enemy is better than an ignorant friend).

As for the repeated discussions about the cases of seizures of weapons, equipment and marches, and the increasing discussions about sleeper cells and the large number of cases of enemy infiltration in certain areas, then discussing them falls under the category of (intimidation) and is outside the category of (warning).

This helps the enemy more than the friend. The best treatment in this direction is to leave rumors, news and fabricated clips that do not have a reliable source and not help to repost them. This is the treatment required at this stage.

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