Media is the most important weapon and the key to victory – On a quiet fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ The media has always been at the forefront of strategic weapons in wars, not only as a means of transmitting information, but also as an effective tool of psychological influence on the enemy and friend. In contemporary conflicts, hostile forces have used the media to spread rumors and lies, seeking to undermine citizens' confidence in their armed forces and weaken their morale.

⭕ This strategic shift requires countries to develop a media fleet capable of addressing these challenges, particularly in countries like Sudan, where the media is an important tool for preserving sovereignty and supporting stability.

⭕ The media is no longer just a mediator of information, but has become an intellectual battlefield where it is used to psychologically influence and shape public opinion. By spreading rumors and falsifying facts, the enemy can weaken the people's resolve and damage their morale. Responding to this type of war requires a strong national media that can effectively and quickly counter misleading information.

⭕ In psychological wars, strong and effective media are one of the most important pillars of victory. Our media, if given the necessary resources, are able to fight against lies and rumors and instill a spirit of hope and determination in the souls of citizens.

⭕ By supporting the media and its professionals, Sudan can move towards media independence, which strengthens national sovereignty and contributes to achieving stability and well-being of the Sudanese people.

⭕ Media is a weapon in the psychological battle and the key to victory

The media has always been at the forefront of strategic weapons in wars, not only as a means of transmitting information, but also as an effective tool of psychological influence on both enemy and friend. In contemporary conflicts, hostile forces have used the media to spread rumors and lies, seeking to undermine citizens' confidence in their armed forces and weaken their morale.

⭕ This strategic shift requires countries to develop a media fleet capable of addressing these challenges, particularly in countries like Sudan, where the media is an important tool for preserving sovereignty and supporting stability.

⭕ The media is no longer just a mediator of information, but has become an intellectual battlefield where it is used to psychologically influence and shape public opinion. By spreading rumors and falsifying facts, the enemy can weaken the people's resolve and damage their morale. Responding to this type of war requires a strong national media that can effectively and quickly counter misleading information.

⭕ Despite the vital role they must play, the national media in Sudan suffers from a serious lack of modern equipment and technology. This shortcoming limits its ability to give an accurate picture and respond to malicious campaigns.

⭕ In addition, media professionals lack the necessary support to carry out their duties in appropriate living conditions, which affects the quality and effectiveness of media production.

Providing media with the latest technologies and devices to enhance the content provided.

⭕ Strengthen media offices in institutions and provide them with the resources needed to convey the facts as they are.

⭕ Guarantee the rights of media professionals and improve their living conditions to enable them to devote themselves to their work.

🟣Letters on fire 🟣

⭕ In psychological wars, a strong and effective media is one of the most important pillars of victory. Our media, if given the necessary resources, is capable of combating lies and rumors and instilling hope and determination in the souls of citizens. By supporting the media and its professionals, Sudan can move towards media independence, which will strengthen national sovereignty and contribute to ensuring the stability and well-being of the Sudanese people.

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