Shendi: Specific transformative training programs for young people

Director of the Youth and Sports Department of Shindi Locality Muzamil Sayed Ahmed Abdel Rahman said that his administration benefited from the quantitative and qualitative presence of a number of trainers from Khartoum in various fields to raise the level of transformative training programs for youth in Shindi that the administration implements.

At the end of the training of trainers course, he said that the continuation of qualitative training operations takes new forms and different means after agreement and cooperation with Shendi University and training centers from Khartoum.

Shindi Youth Centre attended the conclusion of the Training of Trainers (TOT) course.

The course included several topics including:

Emphasis is placed on presentation and cancellation skills, training methods, training needs and trainer skills,

The training module was prepared and the number of trainees reached 23 of both sexes.

The training hours amounted to 60 hours and the course was implemented by Coach Abdel Moneim Mohamed and Coach Lina Emad.

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