Priorities of the next transitional government ✍️ Prof. Dr. Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

I believe that before announcing the next transitional government, we should first evaluate the performance of the current government and find out the reasons for the failures that accompanied its performance during the last period, and then develop solutions and treatments for these failures. The priorities that should be focused on are:

1. Develop an economic programme appropriate to the length of the transition period, which includes short-term projects to address the current crises in fuel, wheat and medicine supplies, and medium-term projects to create an appropriate degree of exchange rate stability.

2. Prepare and discuss a draft electoral law by benefiting from previous democratic experiences and benefiting from the experiences of other countries that are similar to the conditions of Sudan in terms of geographical distribution and ethnic and cultural diversity.

3. Conduct a population census as one of the rights of elections… to ensure equitable distribution of geographical constituencies and conduct an agricultural economic survey… and pave the way for the work of a comprehensive national strategic plan for at least twenty years…

4. Prepare a comprehensive strategic plan, benefiting from national experts, covering all economic, agricultural and industrial activities according to a solid scientific approach.

5. Prepare a draft permanent constitution for Sudan which will be the first to be approved and endorsed by the elected parliament after the end of the transitional period and the holding of free and fair elections.

Prof. Dr. Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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