White Nile shelter review committee recommends removing immigrants from state schools and finding alternatives for them.

The committee tasked with reviewing shelters and schools opened in White Nile State recommended in its second meeting today in the government secretariat hall in Barbek, headed by Dr. Al-Tayeb Ali Issa, Director General, Minister-designate of the Ministry of Education and Guidance, Chairman of the committee

He recommends evacuating expatriate schools and finding alternatives for them so that the state has the opportunity to open schools.

This was attended by Dr. Al-Zein Saad Adam, Director General and Minister in charge of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the executive directors of the localities of Kosti and Warbak, the Commissioner for Aid and Humanitarian Action, the Director of the Development and Social Organizations Sector, as well as a number of local directors of education and services of the Ministry of Education and Guidance.

The meeting heard reports from local committees, the social development sector and organizations with the aim of finding alternatives to accommodate expatriates in schools and providing services in alternative locations. International organizations announced their commitment to provide tents to accommodate expatriates and maintain schools, and secure meetings, provided that alternative accommodation sites are outside cities and offer services and security aspects.

Dr. Al-Tayeb Ali Issa, Director General, Minister-designate of the Ministry of Education and Guidance and Chairman of the Committee, said in a statement on the radio that the recommendations from the meeting will be submitted to the Council of Ministers and the State Security Committee to determine the appropriate date for the start of the school year in the state.

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