Sudanese TV Honored by Shindi Shindina Organization ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ In a move that highlights the importance of the role of the media in supporting humanitarian and social activities, the Shendi Shendina Organization, one of the leading and active organizations in Shendi Governorate, honored Sudanese Television in recognition of its distinguished efforts in covering various events in Shendi Governorate. city.

⭕ This honor is not only a badge of honor for the work team, but rather is a token of recognition of the vital role that media plays in the advancement of society.

⭕ Shindi Shindina organization is one of the main pillars of humanitarian, charitable and social activity within the locality of Shindi. This organization aims to improve the living conditions of local communities and to support cultural and social programs that contribute to community development and awareness among its members.

⭕ Shendi Shendina organization contributes greatly to many humanitarian and social fields, organizing charity campaigns, supporting small projects and implementing awareness programs aimed at promoting public health, education and culture in Shendi.

⭕ Sudan TV has played a leading role in covering various events and happenings in Shendi, which has helped shed light on cultural, social and charitable activities and introduced the city's efforts in these areas to the Sudanese and international community.

🟢 Production and photography

🟢 Preparation and execution

🟢 Editing

⭕ Sudan TV team consists of a distinguished group of media professionals in various specializations, who work hard and sincerely to provide valuable and useful media content that serves the society and contributes to its development.

⭕ This honour represents a great appreciation for the efforts of media professionals in covering various activities in Shindi and is considered as a motivation for them to continue their work with the same enthusiasm and professionalism.

⭕ It also highlights the importance of the role that the media plays in the development of societies and in stimulating humanitarian and charitable activities.

⭕ The tribute paid by the Shendi Shendina organization to Sudanese television stands out as a wonderful example. It is also considered a tribute to the Khartoum Expatriate Media Association in the Shendi locality and a strong bridge between non-governmental organizations and the media to achieve common development and social goals.

⭕ This approach not only helps to strengthen relations between media institutions and charitable organizations, but also highlights the strategic role of the media in supporting and promoting humanitarian and social initiatives.

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