Media and security are two sides of the same coin in defending the homeland ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

🌳 *Media and security are two sides of the same coin in defending the homeland

*A nice gesture from the Shendi local security committee to meet a number of media personalities and journalists*

*The media plays a major role in maintaining elements of national and societal security*

I received a kind invitation from the director of the Shindi General Administration of Culture and Information to respond to an invitation from the local security committee, and that was the case.

First of all, we were hoping that this meeting would take place some time ago in order to break a lot of the ice between the media and the security services.

Typically the meeting was a family gathering, during which many observations and guidelines were discussed.

I already participated in 2011, when I was at Al-Akhbar newspaper, in a discussion or symposium organized by the National Security Advisory Council under the title:

(*Towards a National Vision of Sudanese National Security and the Role of the Press and Media Institutions in It*)

It included a number of media leaders and political party leaders who at the time made up the National Secretariat for National Dialogue system.

But what prompted me to write was the security situation that existed before the outbreak of war between the army and the rapid support militia.

The question that arises is: is there an agreed definition of national security?

In my opinion, the Sudanese national security system includes everything that could affect the stability of the country, the well-being of its people and the role of the country in the regional and international environment.

Accordingly, the concept of national security covers politics as a system and organs of practice… legislation as a constitution, laws, rights and duties, the economy as resources and management, the relationship of the state with society with its various components, the relationship of the state with the government, then the relationship of the government with society and the rights and duties that govern this relationship.

In the case of Sudan, national security is the supreme preservation of the nation and its independence, which provides public satisfaction.

Here comes the main and effective role in national security, and the effectiveness comes in working to build the national spirit and strengthen it among the citizen through faith, then in defending it through a media strategy for the state and focusing on national education in order to transcend ethnic, regional and racist fanaticism, strengthening the national belonging of all Sudanese residents and the need to build the citizenship factor and for the media to present crucial national issues, their effects and developments at the internal, regional and global levels and their impact on national security.

National security is a red line that no one should cross.

The conscious journalist must have self-censorship that prevents him from crossing this line. However, we often see that the media are conservative because of the pressures put on them, and they understand the political game perfectly. Newspapers are either state-owned or family-owned, and therefore they can only follow a certain line and not deviate from it.

In many cases, security services use the media to gauge public opinion, because the media is a dangerous instrument that shapes opinion and directs the collective mind.

The media has a close relationship with national security, as I mentioned earlier, and is heavily relied on to raise awareness of the dimensions of the social security issue. This issue was linked to politics, and the areas of the media have expanded to include security and health, education, economy and natural disasters. The importance of the educational and entertainment media message aimed at the public appears, and there is another message aimed at specific segments, such as the family, women and children. oriented towards social phenomena.


However, in view of these different aspects, we note a clear weakness in the circulation of documented security information to the media, with poor processing of this information and a lack of objectivity in the treatment of security news, particularly related to national security and social security. This happened at the beginning of the war between the army and the rapid support militia, where security information was not available to the media, here the citizen resorts to foreign media, especially since the space has also become accessible to all. As in the field of dealing with criminal matters, the media play a very important role in maintaining security elements, which translate into a positive attitude towards threats and self-confidence in responsibility for the country's security.

We hope that this communication will continue after opening channels between the security services and media agencies of the center, states and localities in the form of meetings, even if not scheduled, to inform media professionals and journalists about the extent of security measures, the risks surrounding the country and the challenges of security stability.

The failure of the media to provide a comprehensive overview of the security situation in Sudan.

The efforts of security services to support security and stability, the weakness of communication of the community security message and the contribution of citizens to establish the foundations of security to refute rumors.

The inability of the media to address urgent social and security issues that negatively affect society, such as the phenomena of begging and homelessness, in addition to the divergence in the determination of priorities of government media and private media.

Weak coordination between media and security agencies, especially in the development and implementation of strategies and threats to national security.

Low budgets, which force the media to sometimes work with individual efforts, which reduces confrontation with opposing media.

Low qualifications and training of media professionals specialising in security issues, particularly in the field of security media, as well as weak security media planning and weak programmes focusing on positive behaviour, as well as low interest in security awareness and crime prevention.

The lack of a comprehensive vision of security media, the poor production of security awareness media and the little interest in citizen security issues through the media, as well as the poor approach to security issues through the media.

The lack of high-quality national media production protects against cultural penetration and alienation of information.

Everyone has a role to play in the security of the homeland, so what has been said clarifies the position of each of us in the system of protecting the homeland and protecting against risks, so that political competition remains intact and whoever rules reigns, but !!! What will happen if everyone neglects the security and safety of the country?

We will come back




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