Aqar calls for Rapid Support Militia to be classified as a terrorist organization

The Deputy Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Malik Aqar Air, said that the actions of the rebel Rapid Support Militia have exceeded the level of violence, so it must be classified as a terrorist organization that threatens international peace and security and must be fought in order to preserve the unity of Sudan and return the country to the place of stability and security.

This came during his speech this morning in the lobby of the Coral Hotel in Port Sudan, opening the training workshop on human rights rules and guidelines in the context of counter-terrorism, organized by the Technical Committee for the implementation of the decisions of the UN Security Council. Resolutions (1267/1373) and subsequent resolutions of the National Counter-Terrorism Authority, in the presence of the Ministers of Justice and Defense, Interior, Social Welfare, the Director of the General Intelligence Service, representatives of international and regional diplomatic missions. foreign organizations and individuals interested in human rights issues in Sudan.

Lieutenant General Malik Agar affirmed that the war in Sudan is a war between the Rapid Support Militia and the Sudanese people, in which the militia used all terrorist practices.

The Vice President of the Sovereignty Council warned the countries and groups that support the Rapid Support Militia that the instability in Sudan leads to instability in the Horn of Africa and the spread of illegal immigration and extremism, stressing that Sudan has a strong heritage that allows it to solve its problems on its own. If the interference of external agendas stops, it means that whoever wants good for Sudan must contribute to its stability and not to destabilizing its security.

His Excellency added that the issue of terrorism has become a concern for both large and developing countries, indicating that human rights issues are sensitive issues that require cooperation between all countries, stressing that Sudan supports all means aimed at promoting human rights, especially since the workshop aims to strengthen the capacities of security services and organizations working in light of the many challenges facing Sudan, including combating violence, extremism and hate speech.

Aqar stressed that the approach of intimidation and threats of violence must be combated as it disrupts the internal and external balance and the need to reduce the motivations of religious and mental extremism and conflicts over resources, which are among the causes of violence.

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