White Nile Governor Issues Emergency Orders to Close Clubs, Cafes, Markets, and Prevent Use of River Boats in the State

Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, has issued Emergency Order No. 7 of the year two thousand and twenty-four regarding the closure of clubs, cafes and markets in the state.

This is based on the declaration of a state of emergency in the state and the Public Safety Protection Law of the year one thousand ninety-seven, coupled with the Law on the Organization of Decentralized Governance of the year two thousand and twenty.

The order stipulated the closure of clubs, cafes and markets in the state from 6 pm, excluding health facilities and bakeries from the order. The order provided for imprisonment for any person who violates the measure not exceeding one month or a fine of not less than £1 million. In case of repeated violation, both penalties will be applied.

The Governor of White Nile also issued another emergency order, the eighth, prohibiting the use of river boats for any purpose in the state. The order interpreted river boats to include ferries, launches, boats, and any other means used by humans on the White Nile. White Nile River.

The order makes it a violation of this order for any person who transports persons and other things or engages in any activity on the Nile and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to a fine of not less than five million pounds sterling. In the event of a repeat offence, both penalties will be applied, with the means being confiscated.

The authorities concerned by these orders must take the necessary measures to implement these orders.

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