Sudanese Embassy in Oman Issues Important Statement to Sudanese

The Sudanese Embassy in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, has issued an important announcement regarding the Sultanate's entry visa for those entering the Kingdom.

She revealed the recent decision of the relevant Omani authorities to temporarily freeze the process of issuing tourist visas due to the negative results that resulted from it, represented by the violation by some individuals of the laws on residence in the Sultanate.

He confirmed to his esteemed citizens who have Saudi documents for employment contracts, family visas or family recruitment, as well as a visa document specifying Muscat as the destination of their arrival in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and that based on these documents, visas have been issued to them to enter the Sultanate through the Omani agencies authorized on the embassy platform so that they can complete the procedures for entering the Kingdom through the Saudi Embassy in Muscat. visas are valid.

She indicated that she would continue to communicate with the relevant Omani authorities in order to organize the entry of Sudanese into the Sultanate, whether for the purpose of residence in the Sultanate or passage to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the provisions that take into account the rights and interests of each and prevent any negative secretion.

She expressed her greatest thanks and gratitude to the brothers of Oman, the government and the people, for standing by our people in these exceptional circumstances that our country is going through, and we ask God Almighty to grant everyone stability in their country.

The Sudanese Embassy in Muscat, Amman has issued general directives to the Sudanese community, regarding the need to adhere to and modify certain public behaviors that would preserve the good reputation of Sudanese expatriates.

She called for adhering to the laws of the host country and respecting its customs and traditions, adhering to the national costume when outside and not wearing inappropriate clothing in public places, such as trousers and pants, and not raising one's voice in public places. Women's commitment to dress modestly. Throwing dirt, trash, cigarette butts and “snacks” in designated places.

She also stressed the importance of sitting properly in public places. Do not sit on the streets and entrances to apartments and residential complexes. Respect the right of others to take precedence and queue at various service points. Prevent children from using elevators as toys and avoid begging on the street. Do not go to places considered suspicious practices.

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