Under the high patronage of the Governor of the Red Sea and honored by the Minister of Social Development… the opening of the Awsif Health Center in the locality of Halayeb

*The Governor of the Red Sea State, General Mustafa Muhammad Nour Mahmoud, attended today the opening of the Awsif Health Center in the locality of Halayeb, in honor of the Federal Minister of Social Development, Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakhit, in the presence of the Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund, Dr. Al-Farouq Nour Al-Daim, Director of Health Insurance in the Red Sea State, Dr. Ali Shash, Director General of the Seaports Authority, Captain Muhammad Hassan Mukhtar, Director of the State Police, the Director of the State General Intelligence Service, the Director General of the National Water Authority, Engineer Omar Issa, civil administrations, mayors, sheikhs, notables, leaders, youth of the region and relevant parties.*

*He addressed the opening event in the city of Osif and the governor of the state, appreciating the role of the health insurance fund. Explaining the interest of the state government in service issues in the various localities of the state; Stressing the continuation of the development of the state according to the needs, despite the current circumstances.*

*For his part, the Director General of Health Insurance, Dr. Farouk Nour Al-Daim of the city of Ouseif, announced the completion of the quarterly plan; Stressing his commitment to fill all the gaps of the Ouseif Health Center up to (100%), especially in laboratory consumables and medicines.*

*For his part, the Director of State Health Insurance, Dr. Ali Shash, explained that the opening of the Awsif health center in the locality of Halayeb comes under the slogan of rural services first; showing their concern for justice in the distribution of services and working to improve and restore health services. Noting that they had signed a memorandum of understanding with the state health ministry, he informed the citizens of the state that health insurance would be provided for services in public hospitals after the signing of the state health ministry in accordance with the memorandum of understanding. .*

*During his speech at the opening ceremony, the Executive Director of Halayeb Locality, Mr. Muhammad Adam, described the opening of the health center as a real addition to the locality. Adding that the health center will find all the support, backing and cooperation of the locality.*

*During the opening in the city of Auseef, Mayor Mohamed Ahmed Mankir and the local youth representative Mr. Hamid Musa took the floor, thanking the governor of the Red Sea and the officials in charge of the file for their support and support for the opening of the center, and they presented a set of requests for services related to the locality of Halayeb.*

*In the same vein, the state governor, accompanied by the security committee, visited the customs barn in the city of Awsif, where he received clarifications from the director of the customs police in Awsif on the overall progress of the works and their various aspects within the port barn.*

*His Excellency also paid a field visit to the water sources of the city of Osif, accompanied by the Director of the National Water Authority, Engineer Omar Issa, where the visit included the Salah well and the Foudquan well. And the Vodcoin dam.*

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