Governor's Advisor and Executive Director of Dalqo Locality Inaugurate First Phase of Lighting in Dalqo City

Last night, the advisor and representative of the governor of the state, General Kamal Musa, the executive director of the locality of Dalqo, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf al-Din, the director of the State Beautification and Cleanliness Authority, Engineer Khaled Hassan, and others, all inaugurated the first phase of lighting the city of Dalqo, which is located on the main road of the city, with the joint sponsorship of the locality of Dalqo and the State Beautification and Cleanliness Authority.

For his part, the advisor and representative of the governor of the northern state said that the locality of Dalgo has many achievements in all fields and its participation in development through the construction of the Mdiqiyeen road and the maintenance and construction of schools and agricultural and service projects, in addition to their efforts to reduce the spread of palm fires by providing pumps and cartridges, thanking the efforts of the locality led by its executive director, Mr. Mudassir Al-Din, speaking about the importance of lighting and service projects in the locality, and the projects that will be implemented in the coming period, with the maintenance of the Dalqo urban road and its extension to Iqtari in the south and Saadinkorta in the north, through the Zadna company. He mentioned the problem of seats in schools, promising to solve it. in the coming days, thanking the efforts made by the locality to develop it under the leadership of its Executive Director, Mr. Mudathir Sharaf Al-Din, the efforts of the youth, the Union of Sheikhs Al-Mahs and all the people of the region.

For his part, the executive director of Dalqo locality said that Dalqo city is considered one of the ancient civilized cities. That is why the first plan came to implement this project, which came into being in a short period of time, talking about its aesthetics and the importance of security in reducing the spread of negative phenomena, thanking the efforts and partnership that took place between the locality and the National Beautification and Cleanliness Authority, especially the technical team, in addition to the efforts of the director of the Dalgu unit and the administrative officers. of the locality in supervising and monitoring the implementation of this project, indicating that there will be a cooperation plan between the locality and the National Beautification and Cleanliness Authority to implement several projects in various local units, expressing his thanks for the efforts of the citizens of Dalgu Locality, the National Beautification and Cleanliness Authority, and the people present for the inauguration of this project.

For his part, the director of the National Authority for Beautification and Cleanliness, Engineer Khaled Othman, explained that this project was developed according to a well-thought-out plan and with the joint sponsorship of the locality of Dalgo within the framework of the second quarter projects of the authority, and that such projects are a right guaranteed to all citizens of the state, highlighting the succession of development projects in the state and its localities, promising the citizens of the locality of Dalgo to implement other projects, from paving roads to creating green spaces and parks, I hope that all localities will join the locality Dalqo

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