Inspired by the experience of the Malaysian state during the renaissance after the end of this damn war ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The experience of the Malaysian state during the era of President Mahathir Mohamad is considered one of the hallmarks of the achievement of development… which refused to borrow from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund… and therefore developed a significant legal framework and economic system to attract foreign investment to compensate for the lack of such capital on the one hand… and on the other hand and to ensure the involvement of… Most of its population is in factories and investment companies for this purpose. to build their capacities… During Mahathir's era, Malaysia transformed from an agricultural state that relied on the production and export of raw materials such as rubber and tin to an advanced industrial state… The starting point was the introduction of reforms in the education system, its curricula and objectives… where the establishment of… 400 private institutes and university colleges He also sought to strengthen the relationship between research centers, universities and the private sector… and this is how he succeeded. by bringing Malaysia into the industrialization phase during the 90s… and in 22 years, he managed to give his country an honorable position among the emerging countries of the world… and the astonishing results obtained confirm this. …. The cash reserve of the State of Malaysia increased from three billion per year to 98 billion… and the volume of exports reached 200 billion dollars… and the industrial and service sectors began to contribute about 90% of the gross domestic product… and the average income of the Malaysian citizen increased from 1,200 dollars in 1970 to 9,000 dollars and the unemployment rate fell to less than 3%…

Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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