Khaled Titawi responds to Ben Zayed on the war in Sudan
*Bin Zayed.. Don't think* *that war ignores us**
**Do we prove war and speech?*
*Cheating, guys***** *And the trick is hidden*
*You fold your straps against conflicts and anoint them*
**With relations with the Jews… your influence on our relations*
*You covet our land, traitor, and you stab it*
*Women Stealing and Rape* *We Missed the Offer**
*Evil deeds for you, Satan has made them beautiful*
*Shameful and guilty and you can't meet us*
*Gather your prey, O my fortress, and bury it*
*You became our favor and you became a traitor*
*The Emirates curse you, you immoral person, and you curse them*
*My attacker is an outcast and an outcast in society*
*Your people are free from you, and your brotherhood is free from you*
*Your palm is stained with the blood of the people and our suffering*
*You don't clean your right hand anymore if you aim at it*
*We protected you the day you announced it and we announced it*
*By war*
*This is the reward for what we have done* *of our generosity*
*You mobilize your soldiers against us* *And you are a traitor to her*
*You have a day destined when you will be younger and you hope for it*
*You are not beyond existence, but for you we codify it*
*On you in the name of God is greater than our solidarity*
*There are seven immoral people on earth and you are the eighth*
*O people of the Emirates, you consider your homeland as a homeland*
*Do not give the soul a criminal license and do not mortgage it*
*It is better to say: Draw the sword and kill us*
*In the judgment of a lunatic who neither orders nor forbids*
*You must stay in touch with us*
*Crawl over the group of tyrants and crush them*
*And you repressed it, neither lame nor bent*
*Deficiency outside and inside the world*