Darfur Governor Designate: The violations committed by the militias in Sennar State are indescribable.

The designated governor of the Darfur region and Minister of Health and Social Protection, Babiker Hamdeen, said that after the militias destroyed the capital of Gezira State, the city of Wad Madani and some of its localities, administrative units and villages, and destroyed its population, they moved to the neighboring state of Sennar, the capital of the Sultanate of Zarqa, which has a rich history of fighting the aggressors. So they entered the cities of Sinja and Al-Dindar and wreaked havoc there. of men, women and children, violated the sanctity of women, subjected people to various forms of torture in search of their money and looted banks, shops, vehicles and agricultural machinery.

The governor-designate said

What the militia did in Sennar State, in the cities of Sinja and Dinder, and previously in Madani and the cities of the capital, Kordofan and Darfur, clearly confirms that this militia aims to destroy and devastate the Sudanese state and create chaos in it, and it has no other noble goal than to systematically kill, plunder, pillage, humiliate and impoverish the Sudanese people by seizing their property, terrorizing them and driving them out of their safe homes, which is a method in which it excels. all the terrorist groups in the world.

He added that it is impossible for society to coexist with this terrorism and malignant cancer, so they must be eradicated so that the Sudanese body can recover.

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