Shendi: Removed larger random dumps

The authorities of the locality of Shendi have destroyed the largest illegal dumpsites adjacent to many residential and vital areas.

The Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, monitored the removal operations, for which a number of mechanisms were allocated and were monitored by the competent and concerned authorities.

The executive director said random dumps appear small and then increase in size because one citizen dumped a load of waste and others followed him to a non-designated waste site.

He stressed that the locality is working to combat the transportation of waste by cart or transported by private vehicles, as this is what constitutes the basis of a number of random dumps, especially since there are strict and severe penalties for such violations, especially since the locality has provided a number of small mechanisms for the transportation of waste in a first batch, followed by a second batch, God willing.

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, announced that a number of compactor vehicles are expected to arrive in the coming period and that they will contribute significantly to solving the waste problem, especially since the rate of waste generation has increased significantly in Shindi with the establishment of a number of new markets, factories and shops that came from Khartoum this year, in addition to the large number of expatriates that the locality has received after the outbreak of the war in Khartoum last April.

The Executive Director revealed that the establishment of small, medium and large landfills meets the required standards in terms of treatment, sorting and processing of waste according to the nature of the entity that produces it, whether solid or not, which reduces risks and facilitates treatment. it is easy, safe, especially during the rainy season.

A number of traders in Shendi Grand Market, during a meeting with the security committee, commended the level of market cleaning operations and waste transportation operations carried out by the relevant authorities at night after the shops close.

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