We Are All One Army – A Sphere Symposium on the Role of Leaders and the Individual in Achieving the Country's National Strategic Security

The “We are all an army” group on the WhatsApp application organized a Sphere symposium on “the role of leadership and the individual in achieving the national strategic security of the state. The symposium was opened by the group’s supervisor, “Ali Shams Al.” -Falah”, who emphasized the role played by leadership and the individual, both linked and complementary, and stated that the role of the individual is considered one of the fundamental axes that contribute to the stability and progress of nations. The individual, as an integral part of society, plays a vital role in protecting the nation and strengthening its security at various levels. The group members discussed the discussions in a high patriotic spirit and the deliberations resulted in comprehensive results agreed by the group. participants. Which:

Here are the most important roles an individual can play in this context!

1.*Safety awareness and social responsibility*

Security awareness is considered one of the most important aspects that an individual must possess. It requires a clear understanding of the security challenges and threats that the state faces, and the willingness to manage them wisely and responsibly. Every individual must understand that maintaining security is a necessity; it is not just a responsibility of the security services, but rather a shared responsibility that requires… Combined individual and collective efforts.

2- *Cooperation with security services*

The role of the individual is to provide information and reports on any suspicious activity that may threaten public safety, and effective cooperation with security services contributes to the early detection of threats and strengthens the State's ability to take appropriate preventive measures.

3 *Involvement in community activities*

Participate in community activities aimed at strengthening national unity and security awareness and contribute significantly to the achievement of national security. Such activities may include workshops, educational seminars and volunteer initiatives focused on strengthening national spirit and belonging and supporting the role of the citizen as a vital partner in the national security system by participating in community monitoring and providing information to the relevant authorities.

4- *Compliance with laws and regulations:**

Compliance with laws and regulations is one of the foundations that ensure the stability and security of the state, and the individual must be an example in respecting and enforcing the law, which creates a safe and stable environment that promotes development and progress.

5- *Education, education and security awareness*

Education is considered an effective tool for enhancing security awareness and strategic understanding among members of society. Educational institutions can play a central role in educating new generations about the importance of national security and the role of the individual in achieving it, and in providing training and education to citizens on how to deal with potential security threats and report crimes and risks.

6. *Confronting extremist ideas*

The individual plays an important role in combating extremist ideas and spreading awareness and a healthy culture. Individuals can contribute to protecting society from extremism and violence and promoting the values ​​of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The national strategic security of the state is essential and fundamental through awareness-raising, cooperation, law enforcement and education. Individuals can effectively contribute to building a secure and stable homeland that enhances the well-being and progress of society.

6- *Increase warranty and efficiency*

When each individual knows their role and responsibilities precisely, they can focus on performing their tasks more efficiently, which leads to improved overall system performance.

Below we explain some of the roles the state plays in strengthening national security!

1- *Legislation and policies*

Formulate national laws, develop and implement laws that cover all aspects of national security, including combating terrorism, combating organized crime, protecting borders, ensuring political stability, treating foreigners, security threats and organizing political action.

2- *Strategic policies*

Develop a strategy that improves threat prevention and enhances rapid response to crises, with an emphasis on transparency and accountability in policy implementation.

3- *Improved security capabilities*

Modernize technology and infrastructure and invest in modernizing technological systems to improve monitoring, control, rapid response to security challenges and training of relevant people.

4- *Development of security forces*

Strengthening the operational capabilities of the armed forces, police and intelligence services through continuous training and by providing them with modern technologies and necessary equipment.

5- *International and regional cooperation*

International partnerships and establishing and strengthening relationships with neighboring countries and regional partners to address common threats such as terrorism and international and transcontinental crime.

6- *Participation in regional and international organizations*

Contribute to regional and international efforts through active participation in international and regional organizations.

*The Role of Leadership in Strengthening National Security*

1- *Develop national strategies*

– Develop a clear and integrated strategic vision to ensure national security, by setting measurable objectives and regularly evaluating performance.

– Direct policies and programs towards strengthening overall security and improving the response to changing security challenges.

2- *Internal coordination and cooperation*

– Strengthen coordination and cooperation between different government agencies and relevant institutions to achieve comprehensive security strategies.

– Establish effective mechanisms to exchange information and make rapid decisions in the event of a security emergency.

3- *Effective and transparent leadership*

– Make decisive and effective decisions at critical times, with emphasis on maintaining political and economic stability.

– Strengthen trust between government and citizens through transparency, decision-making, continuous communication with the public and information on developments.

*All these factors make it necessary and urgent to have a clear definition of leadership and individual tasks to achieve the national strategic security of the State in an effective and sustainable manner*.

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