The suffering of retirees..? – Ink and pen – ✍️ Moataz Abdel Qayyum See More

After many years of giving and effort in public service, retirees find themselves facing a bitter reality characterized by neglect and lack of recognition. Because the burdens they carry on their shoulders exceed the life they spent working, they find themselves facing countless days of need and suffering, and what he wrote highlights the bitter reality in which retirees live, trying to explore the roots of the problem and its repercussions on the life of the group that was once the pillar of society.

Due to the condition of the pensioners after years of service who spent the flower of their youth in the service of this country, they eventually found only oblivion and neglect. Despite the decades spent working, they soon found themselves faced with pensions that were insufficient to meet their most basic needs, which made their health and living conditions more difficult.

The neglect of rights and the deterioration of the health of pensioners are undeniable

The constant disregard for their rights and the failure to provide adequate health care diminishes them and increases their significance.

As a result, the health of many retirees has deteriorated due to their inability to afford the costs of treatment.

The difficulties of daily life and the lack of honors after service have not found them, as many retirees suffer from the inability to meet their basic needs, such as food, housing and medicine, given pensions that do not meet their needs. Some of them find that regularly turning to other people's doors for help has become part of their daily routine, which negatively affects their dignity and increases their suffering.

The suffering of obtaining a pension that does not meet their needs and of moving between the corridors of administrations and banks in search of a pension that does not meet their needs, plunges retirees into a cycle of despair and frustration, as the pensions they receive after years of service are not enough to guarantee their right to a decent life, which leads to an exacerbation of their suffering.

The role of Family Bank, Atbara Branch, in exacerbating the problem is vast and clear in the poor treatment of pensioners by Family Bank, Atbara Branch and the complexity of the procedures for obtaining a pension.

It shows the impact of the practices of certain financial institutions on the lives of retirees and the increased difficulty in asserting their rights.

And a message to the Community institutions to improve the conditions of retirees

Relevant institutions and society as a whole must take into account the situation of retirees and work hard to improve their living conditions. Caring for retirees and appreciating their efforts is a debt we all owe, and immediate measures must be taken to ensure that they have a decent life. This is done by providing proper health care and facilitating the process of obtaining pensions worthy of what these retirees have contributed to their country and society.

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