Al-Muttama locality launches from Sial Karim Al-Din to defeat Al-Dagalo militia – Scenes and evidence – ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

The square was the gathering place of Sial Karim al-Din, to show the strength of the people mobilized across Greater Jammun and amidst larger crowds represented in northern al-Matma. The presence of women was prominent as they raised the slogan (). *We are your honor, O homeland*)

Everyone was in the presence of mobilized people, the popular resistance and the armed forces, whose leadership was represented by Brigadier General, Doctor *Tariq Al-Hadi Kajab* and the leaders of the popular resistance *Yasser Muhammad Khair* and Professor / *Omar. Al-Hassan Al-Hawaij* Supporting and supporting the armed forces and the representative of the leaders of the popular resistance in the locality of Al-Mattama, Professor *Ali Muhammad Ali Hadloul*

Among the speakers were the leaders and, before them, Mustafarin and Mustafarin.

They express their pride and pride in their determination and enthusiasm to uncover the sleeper cells that are working to further fuel this war that has killed innocent people, and to confront them with professionalism in combat.

Another scene confirms the desire to arm all personnel mobilized in coordination with the resistance with all weapons and to protect the country from the betrayal of the rebel militias.

There is evidence that confirms the national interaction and movement of the locality of Al-Matma to increase the sense of security and strict control by the regular authorities in order to extend security and stability.

The role of women in mobilization and support is not hidden, and the purpose of their training is to strengthen the national spirit and raise the sense of security to support and support the armed forces and their victory on all fronts.

Another scene

Through this, he stated that the popular resistance was fully prepared to repel the enemy and to equip and train all forces with the latest weapons and ammunition, embodied by the firm position of the Mustafarben in the Grand Sial Square, Sial Karim al. -Din.

And confirmed evidence

Support and assist the armed forces in this problem without paying attention to rumors and calling for unity.

*last scene*

These masses gathered in Sial Karim al-Din responded to the call of the nation, stressing that they would exert more efforts and generosity and prevent harm to the Sudanese people.

In general, the meeting was massive and large, and everyone was responsible.

We will come back



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