3rd Infantry Division Intelligence Capturing Armed Cell at Shindi Farms

Following monitoring and information from the intelligence branch of the 3rd Infantry Division on the presence of a group of armed men in one of the farms around the town of Shendi 0

Tim was transferred from the intelligence service, led by a captain, to this farm. After the siege and infiltration, Tim was able to arrest a cell of four individuals and confiscate four rifles in their possession.

As following:

Two M16 automatic rifles with telescope

A Kalashnikov assault rifle

A modified Morris rifle and a quantity of gasoline: 0

In his statement to the head of the Intelligence Division of the division, Colonel Mustafa Taj Al-Sir, he stressed that the Intelligence Division works and respects all limits of responsibility with vigilance and caution, and ensures that the region is protected from traitors and enemies.

Adding that they are working in perfect harmony and coordination with all security and police agencies and cooperating with loyal citizens of the region.

Investigations are still ongoing with them to reach the rest of the cells and all those who have relations with this group, stressing that there will be no tolerance or leniency with any party in the security and safety of the country.

For our part, we call on everyone to raise awareness and foster a sense of security and patriotism, to report any violation or suspicious sighting in neighborhoods and farms, and not to host or reside in the home of an individual or group without checking their identity and equipment, so as not to give an intruder the opportunity to carry out hostile action.

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