Dalgu Locality Executive Director Chairs Regular Meeting of Dalgu Unit Resource Committee

This evening, the financial resources meeting of the Resources Committee for the month of June was held at the Delgo unit, headed by the executive director of the locality and the chairman of the committee, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf Al-Din, the director of resources. in the locality, Mr. Ibrahim Awad, the director of the administrative unit of Delgo, Mr. Samer Ahmed, and the members of the committee from different sectors of the locality and the unit. The executive director of the locality explained that all the directives of the locality. The previous meeting on financial resources became a positive indicator for the month of July, indicating that through the evaluation and assessment, there was a significant improvement in the management of resources by reaching the evaluation. He praised the efforts of the employees of the unit to overcome the evaluation in addition to. two months, wishing them to maintain leadership in collection in the various local units, in addition to being ready to overcome the difficulties that arise, I mentioned that I hope that the achievements of July will be better than those of this month, because the achievements are reflected. the citizens of the locality in providing development and services in various fields, especially the circumstances that the country is going through that require being at their side.

For his part, the financial director of the locality, Mr. Shams Al-Din Muhammad, explained that the performance of the collection process is promising for the month of July and that the collection rate in the unit is constantly increasing, praising the role of the workers in the resource sector for their efforts to achieve the assessment target for the third consecutive month by achieving revenues that reached 98%, hoping that the efforts will continue to achieve the assessment target in the coming periods.

For his part, the administrative manager of the mining market 625, Mr. Khaled Hassan, explained that the meeting focused on the revenues and administrative services of the market and in the districts of the city of Dalqo, and that this meeting was fruitful.

In a related context, the citizens of Dalgu unit benefit from numerous projects and services carried out by the locality in various fields, be it in health, education, social services, water, electricity and others.

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