What are the references of the vision of reconstruction of the post-war health system… the German experience as a model (5)…?! – #The_Autre_Dimension – ✍️ Musaab Brier

» In this final episode we will shed light on the social service system in the German healthcare system, apart from the basic medical system which provides various medical services in the field of medicine and pharmacy, in Germany there is a very important part of the healthcare system called the social service system.

“Social services are simply the services provided to any sick or infirm person who does not need to stay in the hospital. For example, rehabilitation after major surgery, or changing dressings at home due to a chronic injury, or helping with house cleaning and shopping, and God is great, have you seen this humanity, how is it going!?..

“The issue of social services is very broad and does not fall within the scope of health insurance. Residents of German territory obtain such services when they need them by paying social insurance or social security contributions. They are also automatically deducted from the salary without you realizing it, because they are much lower than the value of health insurance.

» Advantages of the German healthcare system

The main advantage of the German healthcare system is that it provides basic health services to everyone on German soil. Every person in Germany must legally have health insurance, including children, the elderly, and the unemployed.

» Even when the person himself is unable to pay due to certain circumstances (such as illness, unemployment or poor financial situation), there are usually entities that take care of the health insurance costs on his behalf, such as an employment agency.

»The second advantage is the possibility of obtaining health services with significant costs that far exceed the amount paid by the patient to the health insurance fund.

»For example, a young man may be involved in a certain accident and require major surgery and a long hospital stay, even though this young man has only been paying health insurance contributions for a short time.

“We come across many cases in which the patient remains hospitalized for several months under treatment due to complex cases, so that the cost of his treatment exceeds one million euros. The insurance company covers him without having paid this amount during his career.

» Disadvantages of the German healthcare system

The main disadvantage of the German healthcare system at present is the financial pressures that affect the functioning of this system in one way or another. This point is frequently and frequently raised in the German media.

»For example, insurance companies try to pay clinics and hospitals as little as possible for the services they provide, of course in order to reduce the costs incurred.

“For their part, some hospitals are reducing their expenses as much as possible, by reducing the number of their employees to a minimum and benefiting from them as much as possible.

“This has negative effects on two fronts. The first is for hospital staff, who are exposed to high work pressure, whether medical or nursing staff. We discussed this aspect in detail in the article on the disadvantages of professional and medical specialization in Germany.

“The second axis of course concerns patients, who have to wait long hours in hospital ambulance services, given that all responsibilities fall on a small number of doctors on duty. The hospital cannot bear the costs associated with increasing the number of doctors. doctors.

“The same problem arises when a patient has to see a specialist doctor because of a cold. Here, he has to wait several months before getting an appointment, due to the lack of doctors and the high pressure on appointments.

“The difficulty of practicing medicine in Germany is causing many people to refrain from practicing the profession or traveling to work in other countries, leading to a shortage of doctors and thus exacerbating the problem.

» In addition, health insurance services do not cover all expenses 100%, and in most cases the patient has to pay a small portion of these costs, even though the expenses borne by the patient are most often symbolic.

After the last one:

To summarize, in these five episodes I have given you an overview of the health system in Germany and how it works. The health system begins by paying monthly health insurance contributions for each person present on German soil and, upon presentation of the health insurance card, the patient obtains the necessary medical services according to his condition. Clinics, pharmacies or hospitals of various types send invoices to insurance companies that cover the treatment costs. Finally, projecting this experience on the Sudanese health system, we see that the theoretical framework is unified, but it has been tainted by the past. practical distortions that prevented it from achieving sustainable indicators, which led to the birth of a bad situation that made the patient sick. The Sudanese pay a double bill for treatment. Our recommendation is to focus on the weaknesses that have tainted the application if this experience is. consulted. In response to calls from many observers and experts, we will compile these episodes into a single article for general benefit.

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, impose not on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear You for us and have no mercy on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Saturday (July 20, 2024 AD)

(email protected)

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