Blue: Do not be lenient or lax with those who have betrayed the homeland.

The Governor of Kassala, General Ma'ash Al-Sadiq Muhammad Al-Azraq, stressed that there should be no leniency, complacency or laxity towards those who betrayed the homeland, referring to the sleeper cells and those who collaborate with the rapid support militia. During his inspection visit to the security cell, accompanied by the state security committee, Al-Azaq ordered the members of the security cell and its employees to be vigilant and persevere in their deployment in various regions, indicating at the same time that the security cell was inspected. the security cell of Kassala state is considered a model of discipline, vigilance and effective performance at the country level, praising the efforts, perseverance and diligence of the cell in order to maintain the security and stability of the state, stressing its interest in officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers and solving their problems. The governor and the accompanying delegation listened to a comprehensive briefing by the commander of the 41st Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Khaled Al-Farouq, and those who supervise the work of the cell on the activity of the cell and the continuation of its work day and night for the stability of the state and working to expose all those who dare to harm national and state security. Al-Farouq confirmed that the joint security cell, with its various components, is working hard to fully accomplish its tasks, in addition to its participation with the local security committee, other committees and other regular forces in order to reorganize and organize from a security perspective. Al-Farouq added that the security cell keeps security and stability in mind and that all its members work diligently and diligently to maintain security and stability. The commander of the 41st Infantry Brigade revealed the judicial work related to the suspects who were arrested and brought to justice fairly after being investigated and subjected to a security review, indicating that various sentences were handed down to criminals, saboteurs and those who contributed. helped and participated in the rebel forces, which amounted to the death penalty and ten years in prison. Al-Farouq praised the role of the cell members and their cooperation in carrying out their tasks. The visit of the state governor to the joint security cell aimed to verify the efforts of the cell, the progress of its performance and its achievements during the past period, especially the arrest, monitoring and detection of sleeper cells and those who collaborate with the rebel militia Rapid Support, in addition to discovering the cell's efforts to achieve and maintain security at the state level, then nationalist security.

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