Morality of Scoundrels – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Ibn Khaldun wrote in his introduction (that war has taken place in humanity since God acquitted the creation, and that it occurs for reasons including aggression. Aggression occurs from savage nations such as the bastards of the Arabs, the Turks, the Turkmen and the Kurds, because they have placed their livelihood under their spears and their livelihood with what they have in their hands, whoever disputes with them about his property, they allow him to wage war, and they have no right to do so.) The rest of the rank. or king, but their concern and vision is to prevail over the people on what they have in their hands.) It can be said that what was said in the introduction of Ibn Khaldun about the bastards of the rebellious nations applies to the reality of the Sudanese people who have been living since April 15, 2023 until today, and this does not require much thought on our part or deep reflection and simply by looking at the atrocities committed by the thugs who brutally support the defenseless citizens, we recognize the validity of what Ibn Khaldun reported more than a thousand years ago*.

*And not to go too far, we see that the morality of the bastards of the brutal support militias, which has become their combat doctrine, which undoubtedly confirms that their livelihood is in the shadow of their guns, they live what is in the hands of the people, especially after plundering the property of citizens by force of arms, they practiced theft and transgression, knowing that they turned to war directly against the citizen, and against all those who refused to hand over their money, they killed him mercilessly, and they proved to the whole world that they were just simple bastards practicing the profession of livelihood by forbidden means in the name of chivalry and courage, without the weapons in their hands, they would not have done it. have dreamed of being mere servants in the houses they have plundered or inhabited, and they have proven that in the eyes of the whole world they are nothing but thieves who satisfy their repressed instincts far from honour, manhood and morality*.

*It is noteworthy that since the beginning of the war in Khartoum and until today, the RSF militias have not thought about establishing a government or forming governments in the areas they control, which confirms that they are fighting without a goal and without a vision or opinion, and they invade any area they enter, terrorizing its inhabitants, looting their property, stealing and plundering. And when the robbery operations are over, they go to another area. So how do the thugs run the militia? obtaining the loot through the theft they practice, which has become the religion and belief of the militiamen and one of their characteristics. If you are not a criminal, a looter and a thief, then you are not suitable to work with the militiamen. militia because the individual's allowances are part of it and his salary is earned by him through theft, looting and fraud*.

* The scumbags of the militias have put their livelihoods and means of subsistence at the disposal of the people. They forcibly take the cars of the citizens and force them to leave their homes. They loot the phones, jewelry and gold of women and take them by force. morals of the Sudanese people, by oppressing the defenseless citizens, by showing off their muscles and making women independent. These disgusting practices are only practiced by the immoral and those who lack the lowest degrees of honor, who suffer from a lack of conscience and conscience? , and from here we must say that God has afflicted the Sudanese people with this kind of people. They do not understand, do not know and do not have the desire to understand and learn. This is a kind of people who are thirsty for blood. and salivate to seize the property of innocent and defenseless citizens.

Half a fork

*The SDF militias lost their value in the eyes of society the day they transformed their war against the Sudanese armed forces and army into a battle against the defenseless citizen*.

A quarter of a fork

*The morals of bastards do not change, even if time passes*.

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