Finally, international justice has triumphed against the Palestinian people – whispered letters – ✍️ Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

There is no doubt that the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the occupation and settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is a victory for the principles of international judicial institutions, which have proven that the Israeli settlement policy is considered a violation of international law. The Court stated in its 80-page report that international law rejects the occupation and plunder of Palestinian natural resources.

It is certain that this historic decision will make a significant and direct contribution to the promotion of human rights and the application of international law in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Although this decision is considered an advisory decision, it will play an important and central role in guiding and shaping international opinion on this specific issue, especially since this decision ended the international impasse regarding the Palestinian issue, which had lasted for almost 50 years or more without the international community paying attention to it. As this is the first time that the International Court of Justice has answered this question, we believe that this decision will further strengthen international concepts regarding some important issues that represent international conflicts and human rights, which could lead to supporting the International Court of Justice. principles of international justice and strengthening its concept. We hope that the international pressure mechanism will be activated on this specific issue in a manner that is binding on Israel to comply with international laws and legal decisions taken against it.

Such a decision will strengthen the idea of ​​restoring the reputation of this Court as an international organization seeking to consolidate the concepts of justice and respect for international law, because the dominant impression of the positions of this Court in the past was a negative one, because it directed its decisions only against weak States, and this negative behavior reflects the extent of the disparity in the ability to comply with international law or in the way States interact with the Court as a respected authority in understanding the implementation and application of international law. resolve disputes between States in a fair, peaceful and legal manner, on the basis of legal standards and evidence provided to it, without being directed against specific States according to their strength or weakness.

This decision is considered historic and should therefore be taken into account, welcomed and supported, especially since it has been well received by all the peoples of the world. Western diplomacy must therefore reassess its political, diplomatic and legal relations. related to the Palestinian issue through this international legal opinion that has been presented to the people. It is clear that international law has been violated by the occupation, and it is therefore time to strengthen international efforts to respect international law and work towards a just solution. the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

This decision proved Israel's violation of international law, and this is what aroused their discontent and caused great inconvenience and provocation. It has become a scarecrow that threatens their stability and a leaven of rationalization that greatly arouses their discontent, especially since the Israeli government considers these decisions. as a blatant interference in their affairs and a challenge to its sovereignty, against which, for the first time, a decision like this was taken. We, in turn, congratulate the Palestinian people and their government on this international legal victory for their country. a just cause, and we demand, with the loudest voices, that Israel be forced to implement what was declared in this decision and to immediately address its grievances.

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